We are about mid-way in this years crop circle season, and
as in recent years, there are some interesting changes being seen as the
frequency & complexity of the circles begin to accelerate. This year has seen an early season rash of
basic & rudimentary circles appearing in Italy
and Sicily and one in Russia .
A stunningly elegant circle appeared in
Switzerland on
July 3rd, and another in France ,
a day later.
Two days later a familiar pattern of concentric circles appeared in
On July 15th in the Broad Hinton area of Wiltshire ,
UK , a beautiful
"Seed of Life" sacred geometry crop circle appeared, which may
hint at a larger "Flower of Life" formation yet to come.
The same day, elsewhere in Wiltshire, another
geometric design showed up in Bernard; Another pattern repeated from previous seasons.
The following day, July 16th a partial Julia Set Fractal design was discovered in Wilsford, Wiltshire.

Traditionally, the crop circle season kicks into advanced
mode, about this time of year, so very soon we should be seeing more multiple
circle days; and more complexity in the designs left behind. I've been following this phenomenon since the
late seventies, and as always, am looking forward to the season finale
"Jaw dropper" design, which traditionally ends the season as the
final harvests are completed. Until
then, we shall continue to wait for each new design...and will file follow-ups
along the way...2013 Crop Circles: part-2
Until Next Time ~ Be Good to Each Other
Question Everything!
Also from Augureye:
Also from Augureye:
To unravel the genuine ones, take a look at Archimedes drawings, the mathematical representations of calculus, and translate the 2D into 3D. This approach reveals the nature of the images, in which case whoever/whatever creates them has a mathematical objective. Either letting us know that they have similar approaches to numerics, or attempting to convey something that they believe we need to know. Individual drawings have a singular meaning, but if anyone can decode a link between them then we may figure the whole thing out. Its also a good way to identify the man made ones, as few crop artists have advanced mathematical skills.
ReplyDeleteSome great points there Wibbly; Authentic formations also exhibit node expulsion on the stalks, as well as very fine magnetic iron like filaments, not to even mention the perfect symmetry and intricate weaving and lay of the crops. Additionally, in authentic formations the stalks of the crops are gently bent, or laid over, without breakage, resulting in crops still alive & growing. I was able to visit the Rockville crop circle in California a few years back, which at the time was the largest formation ever in the U.S. Spending even a short time in a formation is more than enough to verify authenticity. As for who the artists are...everyone seems to have their favorite theory, and none of us has the complete picture...yet. Thanks for hanging out, & expressing yourself on the Express!
Deletewibbly is typical of the person who believes these things are from alien sources.
ReplyDeletehe argues the aliens are attepting to communicate with these circles.
so...we have some alien race capable of space flight and who knows what else but obviously evolved beyond anything we can imagine...and.......instead of landing a craft walking off and saying hello..they prefer playing these games!
you all are laughable except when you realize religion asks the same thing of you and 90% of the people believe that too.
really really REALLY pathetic stuff.
lol...you get ZERO comments and you still censor!
ReplyDeleteArticulate, as well as patient...what an intellectual. Look sweet cheeks, just because I require a few hours of sleep at night doesn't equal me censoring your trollish remarks. Go read a book!!
DeleteInteresting and enjoyable doodles.
ReplyDeleteSince scientific analysis of the plants affected have revealed that these designs probably weren't made by human hoaxers, and there never seem to be any reports of spaceships having been around, I'm going out on a limb and say the designs were made by hyperdimensional aliens. Not that that impresses me anymore than aliens of our own universe. Meh, an alien is an alien. What more can you say?
Nice designs. But I would also be interested in what sort of music they do. I'll just bet dollars to donuts that humans can do better. I wouldn't at all be surprised if it turned out that Earth was THE music center of the multiverse. What? It turns out that Earth really IS the center of the cosmos? Bwahahahaha! Those who said it was turned out to be right even if it was for the completely wrong reasons.
I dunno about using farmers' fields to doodle in as it would be an economic loss to them and farmers usually can't afford that because they tend to be usually close to the edge in finances. I know this from having spent enough time on a farm myself. I've moved at least several Mt. Everest's worth of animal poop from point A to point B. Critters sure do poop a lot.
However, if the fields are GMO crops, then aliens can't doodle enough in them. Hey, aliens, feel free to go hogwild in them. The more GMO crops are destroyed, the better.
Joe~ A most excellent point (among many) about the farmers who must deal with this on going annual art show. So many are busy trying to understand, and to separate the real from the hoaxes, that they fail to consider the loss of income, and damage to property the farmers endure.
DeleteHey here's a thought...What if Gaia is making them herself??
Cheers Joe!
My beef with so called aliens is that they DO NOTHING. Crop circles, videos of crafts miles away, nothing up-close, nothing concrete. Unless there is a rule that impedes aliens from communicating more directly with us, I think a lot of this stuff is laser beams creating crop circles, man-made, military experiments, etc. Until I see a real spaceship landing somewhere and actually doing something a la Close ecounters of the third kind, I will be doubtful. However, my wife and I did see a sort of UFO in Utah a few years ago. So did other people on the same road. Many took pictures. It was distant and it looked like a big long cigar and it was no balloon. So who knows? Hopefully there will be a big revelation in our lifetimes.
ReplyDeleteWhat do mean 'they do nothing?' Every government in the world and their opposition is hi-jacked. Plenty doing.
DeleteUnless you're holding out for a house call like Whitley Strieber got, you may have to put in some effort, but the rewards are well worth it. Get your curious self & a video camera up to Mt. Shasta, and camp out on the mountain for a few nights. This is the hot time of the year for UFO's on Shasta. Up close & personal!!
ReplyDeleteall fake humand made
ReplyDeleteu can clearly saee 3 fot wide board marks
please see fo ru self any of tpics shows them
1 3rd are obvious
jaysus,learn spelling & grammar!
DeleteIndeed, his grammar is atrocious; but he's not wrong, all are man made.
DeleteTo flatly state that "all are man made" seems a bit arrogant if one has not physically examined each one. I would be much more likely to respect a comment such as "I think, or IMHO, all are man made"...which automatically includes the possibility of being wrong. My purpose is not to convince the doubters, but simply to present the images and let everyone draw their own conclusions. It certainly interesting how many negative reactions a few photos can elicit. For those who insist on one flat answer, "all are man made" with no room for discussion...well, I'm gonna wanna see your credentials and diplomas and such, because denial alone is not proof of anything but a closed mind.
DeleteOnly a couple of them are genuine....the rest are man made. You can tell a real one...its perfect.
DeleteI was going to say the exact opposite; a real crop circle is formed by electrical discharges from ball lightning and the "patterns" are perceived by the viewer but not really there. Circles caused by the Geo-magnetic effect which produces ball lightning are the result of the ball spinning out in a tornado-type formation before dissipating. It has been captured on camera, you can Google it, it is natural phenomena and all the "mathematical" ones are fake.
DeleteDave~ Rather than defending a rigid point of view, I prefer to assess each formation on its own merits, or lack thereof. There are several well established scientific 'signatures' that all authentic crop circles exhibit: such as expulsion nodes on the stalks, small specks of magnetic material, and the fact the stalks are unbroken and continue to grow. To ignore such heavily documented evidence is to deny reason itself. For you, and all the many doubting nameless ones I wanna see you explain the 2001 Julia set fractal left on the side of the hill at Milk Hill, in Wiltshire, UK. It's a very famous crop circle, and distinctive with its 109 perfect circles of various size - created at night. You see, with this one the math is impossible. The amount of time it would take humans to do this, at night, ON THE SIDE OF A HILL, well exceeds the hours of darkness allowed...simply NOT POSSIBLE! OK? Google the image, read the field reports, study the images; then come back here and give me 'your' explanation.
Delete"There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your wildest philosophies."
Your command of the English language and grammar shows you are an educated individual, so who knows...maybe you're right?
ReplyDeleteChautauqua,, I have been enjoying your site for a couple of months now, lots of truth and worthwhile insights. I just looked over your list of "Golden Nuggets" and I'd like to suggest a couple of additions to it, if you don't mind.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised you don't have "The Prisoner" in the television section. It seems like it would fit right in. In movies, I would recommend one called "The Thirteenth Floor." It came out about the same time as "The Matrix" but I don't think it was anywhere near as successful. I won't get into the plot, but it questioned reality much in the same way as "The Matrix". For books, I would suggest you look into some of the works of a man named U.S. Andersen, Mailny "Three Magic Words" and "The Secret of Secrets." They were written in the 1950s. That's all for now. Thank you for your work.
Yeah, I had to use some kind of criteria or else there would be many such entries like 'the prisoner', etc. still, a good suggestion as are the books. 13th floor was great, very well done, yet these days I'm more into getting folks to look inside...everything we need is there.
DeleteThanks for your input.
To my knowledge, there is one approach to observing the "artists" that hasn't been fully utilised, except by NSA satellites and specially equipped military recon. craft; infra red and ultra violet devices. The fact that certain visitors are capable of hiding in what we poorly understand to be the visible light spectrum was revealed by Col. U. of Brazil during the visitations in Colares Brazil,1977 (see declassified Brazilian Gov. files available on internet). The work of Derrel Sims is also interesting in this regard. Happy hunting.
ReplyDeleteHey Folks:
ReplyDeleteI hate to burst anyone's bubble, and I will agree that for the majority, there is no possible way that these circles could be man made. They are simply too intricate. That being said, if they are not man made, who exactly made them? It is my firm belief that the symbology is identifiable, and that it is almost certainly of a demonic origin. This would also apply to the little grey ugly beings that millions of people claim to have seen, been abducted by, ad nauseum. As well as the oh so often seen and photographed, but never a physical trace of, ufo's. These are real, they are demonic, and they are bad news.
I strongly disagree. To call beauty demonic is well...ugly. Fearful to say the least.
DeleteI have always had a problem with the fact that someone could go out and make one of these crop circles and then CLAIM it is extraterrestrial. Deceit is awful and ruins the truth when it appears. I feel the only way someone can verify that an alien actually did some design is to see a ship over the field or have something that no human could reasonably do. I remember some early crop circles having the compression of tremendous weight on the dirt that would take a craft of some sort. Or when the grass, wheat, or whatever they are growing has been subject to some intense heat or radiation or other element that no hoaxer could come up with.
ReplyDeleteWhen a crop circle shows signs that a human being could do it, then most probably it is a hoax. Intelligent beings from space or other dimensions are totally aware that unless they make a symbol with something that is irrefutable from someone that has the advanced technology to do so, then no one with any brain is going to take it seriously. Too many individuals want attention and money from a fake, the beings know this, they are not stupid.
I myself take UFO photographs pre-world war 2 with much validity because of the fact it was so difficult to fake photos back then in comparison to now. I especially take photos pre flight days of UFO's to be genuine. Now there is much fakery in which a spaceship is much out of focus or too obvious not real. One way of authenticating UFO photos is when two or more people take a picture from different spots. Another issue is how much of the UFO's are military craft that no one hears about until they use it.
Here is what really irritates me and many more about aliens from other worlds and this crop circle, the real ones, and these sightings and abductions, why the xenophobic garbage. I mean stop jerking people around, and that is exactly what these beings are doing, screwing with people's minds and their hopes and fears. Would it really hurt anyone to come down and make contact and at least let the world know there are definitely other civilizations from other planets. What is the old saying, truth will set you free. The ET's if they are making contact with the governments and not the population then they are no better than the oppressive governments that enslave the people down here.
This crop circle crap reminds me of the Riddler in Batman having fun watching someone try to figure out the abstruse meaning of something. Again, jerking people around for some sick thrill. These beings can EASILY figure out every single language and written word on this planet. Spell out their meanings and messages in clear English, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, whatever and tell all of us straight up what they want people to know. This symbol mental playing around is sick and better suited for primitive people than highly advanced beings that are suppose to be superior on so many levels. I guess an excellent word for a higher being purposely confusing people that don't understand is "sadistic".
Or if I am truthful .. I do not understand .. am I being played games with .. or am I being posed a question ? or even for that matter why should I lend it my attention?
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous.
DeleteThese mind games being played with these crop circles by the hoaxers and the aliens from other worlds are wrong. Like I said above, advanced beings know the languages and the spoken word, there is no reason for ambiguity other than sadism. Rememeber how Nostradamus use to have write in riddles because of the dangers of being found guilty of heresy? This is crap from the stars and down to Earth.
Throughout history when someone has not made it perfectly clear what they mean, tradegy and suffering has occurred. Just look at the sickening lies and deception of all the politicians. Each election cycle people are clueless to what someone really stands for, and then we all get a bad government. Why? Because people don't know whom they are voting for. Same goes true with these symbols, they have a bunch of different meanings and serve no good to them at all because of this. It is cruel, and a total phoney to say something that can be construed in multiple meanings. I go by what is said above my comment, it is demonic, it is not good.
It reminds me also of a so called superior race having fun with the lower idiots. Kind of like when some scientists chase the penguins around the Antarctica in a helicopter, they are not suppose to do this but they do for the hell of it and because it is fun. I can see a couple of aliens bored with life talking to each other and deciding to have a little fun with the monkeys down on Earth. Clarence tells Marlon lets appear from our cloaked ship but make sure that we still remain slightly out of focus so no one can prove we are they. Then lets really get them going with a couple of cattle mutilations. Marlon really is in a mischievous mood and decides to play some chicken with an oncoming car. Clarence comes up with a new crop circle that will have the whole world thinking all sorts scenarioes from a supervolcano ready to erupt or Atlantis is ready to rise off the Gulf Coast. Abductions are even more fun to look into the eyes of someone as both of them dangle a pair of pliers right over their face. No harm done Marlon thinks as we just erase their memory afterwards, but leave a fragment of memory to let the monkey think he or she just had a bad nightmare.
When you are not willing to be honest and tell someone what you mean, there are evil intentions behind it. Either be open and honest and up right and say what you mean in clear meanings that no one can screw up the meaning to, or stop the crop circles. If you want the planet to stop poisoning itself for example, then say so "Stop polluting the Earth with toxins", rather than some set of symbols that has 500 different meanings. These crop circles are like going into an used car lot and trying to get a square deal and straight answer. It is garbage.
How did "Question Everything" become 'Reject Everything? Must be the Mercury retrograde. Your mind is like a parachute, it only functions properly when open. What is it about these images that triggers such a visceral and negative over-reaction. Yeah, "Me thinks thou dost protest too much."
ReplyDeleteHi Chautauqua,
ReplyDelete(Althea here). I too have had an avid interest in crop circles since the late 80's and I wish I could say that I have figured out where they come from, what they say, and why. I have settled for 'the mystery' and because of the delicacy and absolute physical integrity of those that are NOT man-made, I respect them and enjoy them. And don't forget to what great lengths the 'gov' went to debunk their very existence with Dave and (can't remember the other fellow's name, thank goodness!) with their planks and ropes. When the 'gov' denies that crop circles have anything to do with an ET origin, be assured they're very important indeed. I have only one theory as to how they are made and that is by the energies contained in the telluric/elemental realm just below the Earth's crust. Could they be communications from the inner folks to the 'out there' folks? I like to think so, and what they are saying is, humanity is ready for ascension. Sorry, Realist and others, don't mean to bust your bubbles, but we are not the superior beings we think we are when it comes to "Life, the Universe and Everything." Thank you, Douglas Adams! Love, A.
Greetings Sister~ First of all I must make the distinction that since our species is the result of genetic interference by beings not originating on Earth, we are by definition, 'Aliens' albeit hybrids. Just as with UFO sightings in general, where even after the obvious hoaxes and official swamp gas, there remain a percentage which remain "unidentified" by any criteria...the same holds true for Sasquatch, Aliens, and crop circles. As for what the crop circles are; by now it seems quite obvious they are the final advanced math test for delinquent aliens (who are required to show their work)while on a class field trip to a primitive & insignificant backwater planet conquered by their reptilian parents. The message of the crop circles also seems clear enough - They are the proof that humans will project their inner fears onto anything or anyone within range while rejecting logic and empirical evidence to feel superior.
DeleteHow they are made is simple. Whatever design desired is entered into a sonic projection beam which instantly imprints the pattern onto the desired medium, in this case, cereal crops in the UK & elsewhere. I know this because I hold the patent on the device, as well as the Hyperspace improbability drive...viewable in section 42 of the galactic patent office, located in the Arcturian embassy on Pandora prime. The bottom line on crop circles is one can blather whatever they wish, but until one has spent time in an authentic crop circle...one simply doesn't know what they're talking about when saying "all crop circles are man made". and don't forget your blanket!
Dear Althea, I truly don't believe that people down here are superior at all, most people function on 90-99% animal instincts and use much less than 10% of their brain power. What Chautauqua brings up as a question to why so many people get a negative feeling about this crop circle thing is the same everyday rigmaroles that we all go through, getting the runaround. It is the same frustration with answering a question with a qusetion, or someone just choosing not to answer an important question. Remember a famous certain president by the name of George Bush Jr. that was famous for this.
ReplyDeleteLinguistic experts can decipher a language with a few sentences. Anyone making these crop circles with some advanced mathematic knowledge, not hoaxers, must know that lack of clarity is not going to get their message across. Why make a symbol unless you are either trying to say something, or you are trying to fool around with people's minds.
One issue about people living under the crust and the hollow Earth theory is something that doesn't jive with science. If the Earth was hollow they could not pick up seismic waves from the other side of the planet. The heat and pressure even down a mile is terrible, the reason why mines have to be cooled in someway so miners don't die from heat exhaustion. I suppose you could have these silicon life forms, rock people, like some Star Trek episode, or other beings would have to have some sort of protective sheilding. I suppose that is possible. I have a feeling, just in my opinion, these legtimate crop circles are meant to fool and confuse and are not from a good source.
What upsets people so much is speculation leads seldom to answers. We can travel the wrong path for years or our whole life because we are convinced of something without getting the true facts. I do question everything, being analytical is a good thing, to obtain the correct answer and as many as possible. This is the ultimate goal, the accurate answer. I have found that an overly open mind leads to naiveness and being taken advantage of a lot in life. A overly close minded leads to never seeing the answer even right in front of you and to isolationism of what can help you. This is what is called moderation and being well balanced, being cynical and receptive at the same time. Realist.
Hi Realist~ Ya know...for many years I have been perplexed with the inherent obscurity contained within the 'authentic' crop circles, and have even felt the same frustration you speak of. I have resigned myself to wondering if perhaps this is why the 'wise man' isn't on the corner next to Starbucks, instead of on top of some mountain. Maybe that's why we must "climb the mountain" to even get to the wise man in the analogy? why does the Master, Teacher, or Sensei persist down thru time to encourage the adepts to DISCOVER the "answer" rather than just give it to him/her? I believe there is an inherent value in this method of teaching, and IF indeed the authentic formations are messages from aliens (I am assuming benevolent or benign) trying to show us some higher truth or new recipe for guacamole; might they not employ a similar technique of leading us to understanding. In the final analysis, it is not enough to do the right thing, at the right time, we must also do it for the right reason, and as they say, "Therin lies the Rub." Humans love mysteries and puzzles, but not necessarily the TRUTH, as more often than not the truth has the nasty habit of proving preconceived ideas wrong. Maybe the circles aren't so much someone fracking with us (a whole other subject) as much as it is someone trying to help us accept universal truths beyond our current comfort level.
DeleteHi Chautauqua and Realist,
ReplyDelete(Althea here.) I am delighted by both of your responses and will ponder whilst I prepare a meal for "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe." I wonder if anyone has received a huge energy hit, perhaps even complete illumination, after having ingested the cereal harvested from non-man-made crop circles? Apparently, it's a probability yet to be experienced. Anyone? Love, A.
You always come up with the really great questions from left field (Barley). I suppose if someone ate cereal from a crop circle, and something really weird or great happened, they probably might not be prone to share the information...knowing how humans tend to react to such things. But, ya know...it sure might explain the "Tea Party"!!
ReplyDeletePuzzles and mysteries must have EVENTUAL AND REASONABLE solutions. Ever tried to solve one of those Jumble puzzles in the newspaper? They say ordinary everyday words and sometimes there is a word you might use once in a lifetime, and spend a hour or so pulling out your hair trying to unscramble it? Then you grab a Franklin Spell Checker and go to the games section and then word builder and enter the mixed up letters to get the soltion. Cheat in other words. This is what is so frustrating about NEVER solving a puzzle, it take the fun out of everything.
Althea, Talk about cereal probably changed on the sub-atomic level. I would be afraid of radioactive contamination, or even toxins from some ship's engine exhaust or something. I wonder though about the insects that have eaten material from a true crop circle wheat field, what happened to them. That would be an interesting study.
Fun site. Been following this phenomenon from the beginning and in fact spoke with a very gracious and forthcoming Colin Andrews once at a symposium here in the States. As it happens, I'm an indie filmmaker, and have been mulling a feature film on the topic of pictograms and their origin for some time. It would be fictional, but where Signs only broached the topic peripherally, this project would embrace the nature of the formations and effects thereon. I've explained the tentative plot to my associates who said it gave them chills. It would be a sci-fi flick of course, but something not yet seen. Any interest in seeing such a thing? It's ambitious, of course, and a long road to fundraising and production, but very doable. oh, and I will be in the UK in September. Cheers!
Greetings Greg~
ReplyDeleteJudging from the number of pageviews this post is getting I'd say there is a lot of interest in seeing the production currently trapped inside your head, especially me; seeing as how "Signs" was such an utter, dismal failure, which did nothing to further our understanding of the phenomenon. I was able to visit the 2003 Rockville Ca. pictogram formation near Fairfield; (Somebody has a sense of humor- crop circle in Fairfield! Ha) and it was one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced. Was able to walk the formation when it was still fresh, the energy was 'buzzing' so much you could almost hear it!
I think this season will be showing some incredible, awesome images by the end of August, still hoping to see a big 'flower of life' crop circle...who knows? Thanks for hanging out, keep in touch about the project...and let me know if I can help in any way. Namaste
I agree partially about Signs: Certainly it did nothing to advance the cause of crop circles and bore plot holes through which one could drive a truck, but you must admit it had atmospheric and creepy moments. :-) My wife and I found it easier to like the film from the perspective of being about a man struggling with his faith, not about aliens.
ReplyDeleteI'm jealous that you've been to the real thing in person. Holding bent wheat in my hands is as close as I've been. Any formations typically around in Sept?
So, yeah, I'd need a consultant if I decide to forge ahead. Sounds like you're volunteering? I'll let you know.
Oh indeed the flick had some creepy moments that were well done, atmospherics as well. Hands down my favorite scene was where the boy took his sisters VHS tape so he could record history in the making. I also liked the struggle with faith aspect, I just don't like fear mongers, and M. Night Shamelessman lost my respect when he tried to make people afraid of crop circles. Why crop circles? The movie would have worked just as well if they'd used alien abduction, or encounters of the 4th kind. It was a cheap shot to go with crop circles as the thing to be feared, cheap and intellectually lazy...IMHO.
DeleteAs for September; in past years I seem to remember the season extending into early September, but it seems in more recent times they sometimes do end in August. It's all about when the crops are harvested. There might be any number of reasons why harvesting is being done earlier.
Yup, that's my hand in the air ... would love to help out, please do keep me posted, pardon the pun. ;)
Crazy .. how detailed they are ... Nice Chaut .. Peek leaves ya some cold ones ) top left
ReplyDeleteThe crop circles are definitely endtime signs:
ReplyDeleteIsaiah 24:13 “For this is how it will be on earth among the nations: like a harvested olive tree, like a gleaning after a grape harvest.”
Job 38:5 “Who fixed its dimensions? Certainly you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it?”
Joel 2:28-32
“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit. “And I will show wonders in the heavens and ON THE EARTH,
blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the Lord has said, and among the survivors shall be those whom the Lord calls.
Matthew 24:3
As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?”
see John 3:3 and John 3:16
Hi! I've never commented on your blog before, but love it immensely. I'm a "fringey" myself. I'm not going to get into the discussion about who/what. I mean does it matter.. really.. It's the why isn't it? I have very specific things to ask if you see. I need another intuit. All HELP welcome :)
ReplyDelete3rd down Italy June 30th. That is a "time keeper" It is showing (I think), months, days, hours, and quarters. Do you pick up an exact date/time???
UK July 6th: had a dream the other day about throwing a rock in a pond. I believe that this is showing the effects of something entering the same elliptical of our solar systems plane, and some sort of shock wave from it.
UK July 13th: That is the shock wave arriving..
UK July 7th: That design behind the ship thing is ancient for showing an eclipse. Or one planetary object in front of another. I think that crop circle is saying something is behind the sun, or behind a planet behind the sun.
Oh and just to mess with the trollsters. I believe that Sofia/Gia is warning us.She is quite aware, and vastly more intelligent than us mere mortals. Something wicked this way comes. But have hope for all things dark are balanced in light, and no one shall subvert the other. Not without a reckoning anyway.
Let Truth Set Us Free!
Hello All,
ReplyDeleteI like many others would like proof. I searched the web and found The Phoenix Lights 1997, a documentary about a 1 to 2 mile long UFO that slowly and silently flew low across the state of Arizona, it was viewed by 10,000 people. I wondered why the air force never showed up. A news report in 2013 (16 years later) showed an air force documented ordering all aircraft grounded on that day and still no explanation as to who or what that was. My search took me to the Chariots of the Gods, Ancient Aliens, The Ancient Astronaut Cover Up, Associated Press: Vatican City four hundred years after it locked up Galileo for challenging the view that the Earth was the center of the universe, now states "Just as there is a multitude of creatures on Earth, there could be other beings, even intelligent ones, created by God". I've seen video clips of space station UFOs where the radio operator stutters when a UFO comes into camera view, but continues transmitting as nothing happened. My search took me to Crop Circles - The Arecibo Reply which explains that crop circles are a form of alien communication using mathematics, which I now believe is the universal language, it further explains that a series of crop circles are designs for a self sustaining power source and a warning in a crop circle with a message disc. I am a believer now, there is entirely to many unearthly events, crop circle appearing several days right after each other.
I also believe our governments are in contact with aliens which may explain a boost of our technology in the 1950s, how they knew to ground all air force planes on the day a 2 mile long UFO casually flew across Arizona and why astronauts don't speak about sightings that appear on camera. I also believe the Vatican made their statement in 2008 for fear that they may lose their religious followers when Aliens become Fact not Fiction.
After reading your blogs, I just wanted to add a few matter of fact items to the open mind
Food for Thought
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Hey guys. Got an update regarding an earlier post of mine about a potential crop circle film. Met with a director friend of mine in London last week who liked my concept. Looks like I'll proceed with the script, so keep your fingers crossed and maybe we'll get something cool done. Cheers!