Eight months ago as the end
date of the Mayan calendar arrived there was much speculation as to whether
this was a harbinger of doom for mankind and life as we know it. I think it's still too early to
determine that with any certainty, however a great case can now be made for the
idea that things have certainly taken a sharp departure from what once passed
as normal. We left normal in the
rear view mirror when we quietly moved out of third dimensional density
vibration, into the fourth. Now there
are several differing schools of thought as to exactly when we made this
crossing over into the fourth dimension; and I would submit that it doesn't
make much difference when it happened, what really matters now is
that we understand what this means for us individually, and collectively. As discussed previously, we are but briefly
passing thru this chaotic fourth dimensional timespace, on our way to Fifth
dimensional density vibration.*
As the changing landscape
around us suggests, we have collectively entered into a timespace which
is increasingly negative and chaotic, as those in "authority" continue
to have us see this as just the new normal ... perpetual, permanent
warfare! Not only are we besieged with
wars and rumors of wars, but it seems an almost daily occurrence nowadays that
some new horrible threat to freedom and privacy is made public. There is a reason for that: the powers
that be very much need to keep our attention focused on the
negative & chaotic things they create, in order to better
control us. It's really as simple as
that. Fear and faith have a very hard
time co-existing within the human heart, it is something we each need to
cultivate for ourselves, or somebody else is likely to do it for you.
Yes, it's a constant battle
to remain in a high vibrational, positive space; especially when our
sensibilities are under constant attack; but when we understand exactly
what is at stake, it becomes well worth the effort! The reason this is more important than ever
before is because we are fast approaching the splitting of the timeline; an
event which will determine who remains here in this dystopian nightmare world,
and who makes the transition into fifth dimensional timespace. Just as with so many issues these days, there
seems a wide range of thinking on this splitting of the timelines. Some say it will happen, some say it won't,
and some contend it has already begun.
To me it just seems a logical progression of thought; If
indeed the earth is splitting into two, one which remains in 4D, and one
which transitions into 5D, then it naturally follows that the timeline will
also split, allowing for two divergent and nearly opposite realities to exist.

If all of this is true for us
in this current reality, then it must certainly also be true for all
earths, in all possible, and probable realities; as discussed in the many
worlds theory- but for now let us just be content with dealing with the
reality we inhabit. The key
element in this current situation brings us right back to something I've
written about a lot, the universal law that energy follows thought. It is key, because we create our reality with
our thoughts, and the resonance causation behind them. This energy which follows our every thought
does not discriminate between positive and negative orientation, or level of
dignity, it simply follows our thoughts, to exteriorize them into manifesting
into our reality. This then, is where we
get the ancient wisdom, "Be careful what you wish for."
As I said, if you aren't busy
taking control of your intent & focus, somebody else probably is, and they'll be
doing it with the ages old motivator known as fear. If your focus is grabbed and held by the media
with its ever present fear & loathing propaganda extravaganza, you are much easier
to control than if you were to ignore all that noise and focus upon your
spiritual connections. This is the
cosmic variation of the "gawker slowdown" during the evening
commute. We are all on our way home now,
spiritually speaking, and as on any terrestrial freeway, we must watch what we
are doing, and where we are going. These
days the carnage alongside the road is more appealing than ever, and we find it
difficult to not take a quick look; yet when we do we risk it sucking us into
it even deeper. Energy follows
thought, so if your thoughts are focused upon wars & rumors of
wars, and the world they thrive in, that is where your destiny will
unfold! You cannot safely make your exit
on the freeway if your eyes are glued on the latest smashup. In the same way, you cannot expect to end up
safely on the 5D exit ramp if your attention has been hijacked by weapons of
mass distraction.
The time has arrived to
disengage from consensus reality, because the only place it can take us
now is deeper into the matrix, deeper into the reality of perpetual warfare, GMO foods, and a planet wide police state. Of course, there will be a great many who are
not yet spiritually ready to depart from such a reality, and so, it shall
continue to exist for them, and anyone else who cannot, or will not free their
mind of these negative addictions. For
those who tire of this mundane wasteland controlled by psychopaths, the way out
is clearly marked. All you need do is to
raise your vibration & keep it there, and to do that will require the dissolving of your attachments to this
place. One of the first attachments we
need to dump is the need to be right.
This "need" has been programmed into us relentlessly
since early childhood, and if it ever served a positive purpose, that time is
now over. The need to be right is
connected to our desire to be accepted within our community, and our inherent
fear of being seen as inferior, thru being wrong. This is why so many people react emotionally
and negatively when something they say is challenged by another: they take it as a personal affront or attack,
and react accordingly, which seldom does anything to further the case for

Following the herd might have
worked well enough for a lot of folks up to this point; but when it can plainly
be seen that the herd is now being driven into the stockyard holding pens, the
time to go maverick is at hand. Finding
a better way really isn't all that difficult if the new normal isn't to your
liking; pretty much head off in the opposite direction of the things that
sicken your soul. Gravitate to the
higher frequencies of compassion, gratitude and unconditional love, and there
you will find the access road to 5D reality.
You will soon enough discover that proximity to these frequencies isn't
enough, one must become them, to truly grasp enlightenment and spiritual
evolution. Once these higher frequencies
are part of your standing wave resonance you will loose all interest in the
ongoing chaos and roadside carnage, you will have outgrown the need for it, and
just as you did with Sesame Street, you just won't choose that channel any more.
The Destiny
This universal law that
energy follows thought comes from something called the destiny formula, and it
is exactly how we create our own reality, and manifest things, people and
events into our lives.
is energy,
Energy follows thought,
Thought becomes belief,
Belief determines your reality, and
Reality shapes your destiny!
Our destiny is not something
we are born into, it is something we create either consciously or unconsciously;
with our thoughts, beliefs and intent. Nobody can tell you what your destiny is,
because it's for you to determine, based on your spiritual development. There are no shortcuts to finding your
destiny, but perhaps the best description of it is found in the dictionary,
because when you look for it there, it's always between destination &
destitute. If the road visible to you up
ahead doesn't look like the destiny you have in mind, now would be a most
excellent time to make some course corrections.
The universe rearranges things to accommodate our individual picture of
reality...it has to, it has no choice in the matter. Therefore, if you don't like the feedback
you're getting, change the input!
If your intent is to
traverse 4D reality and arrive in 5D timespace, and if your thoughts & beliefs are
in harmony with that intent, there is simply no way you can fail to
arrive...but it is up to you to hold that focus upon the desired destination,
and not the paradigm you are leaving behind. This is why developing discernment and
discipline are so important, they end up making it easier to hold our focus
upon what we want. Because your mental
attention is such a valuable commodity to the powers that be, you must
fight to protect it from them. Deny them
your attention first, then deprive them of your fear. If you are still following the herd at this
late date, there may not be much time left in which to enter those course
corrections. This is one train you don't
want to be chasing down the tracks, because it will leave you smack in the
middle of the 4D paradigm!
Along with dissolving your
attachments and addictions to this place, you will probably want to travel
light, which means also ditching that box full of bad memories you've been
hauling around all these years. You only
keep them because you're addicted to your own sadness; so once you overcome that,
the box full of bad memories won't be necessary at all. Once you decide to take responsibility for
creating the life you have it becomes so much easier to drop all the scenarios
of blame and whose fault stuff is; you'd be amazed how much that can lighten
your load. When we graduated from high
school, we took the lessons learned and moved on with our lives. We stopped worrying about the myriad little
things so important to school children, we left them back there in the schoolyard,
never again to take prominence in our life.
That is exactly what we now need to do with this whole earth school
paradigm...leave it behind us, it has no bearing on our destination; but what
we learned here does!
What we have here are two
worlds, one being born, and one dying.
The dying world is right before our eyes everywhere we look, and its
death throes enthrall & entice us in the most primeval of ways; and this
blinds us to the emergence of the world being born. The world being born is a resonance of
spiritual evolution which is more easily felt than seen often times. It is a sense of remembering who we are and
where we came from, combined with the knowledge that we are homeward bound. We have been away from home a goodly while,
and most have picked up beliefs & habits which are the kinds of souvenirs not suitable
for taking home, and so we must leave them behind as we seek to take our place
in this new world full of new possibilities.

It comes down to a choice,
between the dying world, and the one being born. On the surface it may seem like a simple
enough thing, until we consider how we have been conditioned thru fear to
abdicate our choice making, and thinking to others. Now that perhaps the most important choice
we'll ever make looms on the horizon, it is time to take our power, and our
choice back from those who cheated us out of them. Just as we have been taught to distrust our
own counsel in favor of the party line, we have also been taught to fear
the unknown, instead of investigating it.
Through intimidation, ridicule, and the sin of not fitting in, we
have been kept within the boundaries of the herd mentality & consensus
reality, to the exclusion of all other realities. These are important things to remember
because when it comes to shifting realities and splitting timelines, there is
no abdicating or abstaining from making a choice: in other words you don't have
the luxury of not choosing, because to not choose in this
instance, is to deny your very spiritual sovereignty, and accept your fate as a
slave. Not choosing is still a
choice; Just not a very good one!

The powers that be are very adept at convincing folks there is no
reality other than "the official" one; and that those who disagree
are nutters. This is an amazingly
effective tactic because it preys upon our aforementioned need to fit in as a
regular, normal member of society; and keeps us forever within the hive
mentality...unless we break free and reclaim our minds, that is! The thing is, we don't have a lot of time
here, things are moving faster with each passing day, and playing the waiting
game is no longer among our options.
Currently, humanity most resembles the proverbial deer in the
headlights; frozen into inactivity as a gruesome fate quickly approaches. He who hesitates is lost...in a 4D quagmire
of dystopian dysfunction. I think an
awful lot of folks out there are so convinced its just this one perversely sick
reality that they are terrified to release it in hopes of discovering a much
better one...talk about salesmanship!!
A lot of folks are feeling
the approaching timeline split, just as we felt the approach of the age of Aquarius
at the end of the Mayan calendar - it's a tangible thing floating out
there amid all the electronic soup from cell phones, wi-fi, & Rfid
technology. Once you start eliminating
all that toxic clutter, it becomes much easier to pick up on the more spiritual
vibrations coming in stronger every day.
Just as someone else once programmed us to abdicate critical thought, we
can now overcome that, and lay in some much better programming of our own,
again, it all hinges upon your intent.
I believe that if our intent is powerful enough (and it is)
we can disengage from one paradigm, and engage a different one as easily as
changing TV channels. It's all about
frequency and vibration, just like Nicola Tesla once said.
Many are wondering what this
brave new world will look like, and how they will know it when they see
it. Remember how I said the universe
rearranges itself to accommodate our individual picture of reality? Well, I think that applies to this as
well. In other words perhaps everybody
will see and experience something slightly different...or maybe a whole lot
different, depending. Trying to quantify
it into a 'one size fits all' unitization is part of what's wrong with the
dying world paradigm, perhaps we should instead just simply allow it to be
whatever it is, whatever form we decide it should manifest as. Will you recognize this world of the fifth
sun when it does manifest, how will you know? Again, it's something that will likely be
different for each of us. As for me, I
will know I am home again when I smell moms fresh baked apple pies cooling on
the windowsill.
Until Next Time ~ Be Good to Each Other
Related Augureye Posts, & Links
Awesome post - keep it up.
ReplyDeleteVery good read, really enjoyed this.Thanks
ReplyDeletelove you man....what else can i say? as bob marley sings exodus movement of jah people on my head radio as we speak. my heart travels out in gratitude, happiness (the buliding of fearless excitement) & thanks for telling the time. moments in the universe..xxx
ReplyDeleteWe can't change the world, but we can change our world.
ReplyDeleteThink about what you're thinking about.
Your thoughts will create your world.
Consider the world you want.
Release the negative, or you will be stuck here with it.
~much love~
Thank you for this article, it feels timely to me. This morning, was thinking about how thick and fast all the negative events have become, the BP oil spill in 2010, Fukishima a year after - and all the deliberately provoked war mongering continues to escalate. It occurred to me that this earth and the good people on it need to diverge from all the bad stuff, like a horse being ridden full tilt at a fence over the chasm of doom we need to stop and allow our crazy master to be carried over by his own momentum.
ReplyDeleteThere is a documentary about 'Operation Plumb-bob', the US military nuclear medical experiments on pigs and other animals. It is both sickening and saddening, and demonstrates clearly how our PTB regard us. We are nothing more than helpless domestic animals, to be used and abused in a series of sadistic and unnatural experiments. We have much more in common with the pigs and cows in the film that with the elite PTB, they are sentient creatures who care for their young as we do.
Hmm Intriguing but...
ReplyDeletemajik here~ Oh My Gosh!! This article made me so excited. I have so much to say that, I'm afraid my typing will not keep with my thoughts. Bare with me.. First when I started this path, I had a HUGE ego about how intuitive I was :)years later and lots of bumps and bruises along the way," I know nothing".. but. 12 years ago when asked how I saw this change happening I saw your picture. The splitting of two Earths, like the very first division of a fertilized zygote (soon to become an embryo). When a cell splits it has a Vesica Pisces the space in the middle is the chaos node. I believe this is where we are at on our soul journey and why Jesus had that sign for himself and this time (The fish). The crux point. Hold your energy and you will graduate to your next evolutionary experience!! Yay, Yay!! We're graduating (well some of us our but that's ok, it's all ok) I'm adding a great sight with tools on how to do this along with sounds that help tune your brain in. Tom Kenyon is the gentleman's name and he channels the Hathors. Whether you believe in channeling or not the section on the website of their channeled info. is Divinely inspired either way. Good Luck and Goddess Speed!!!
DeleteFrom the site~
In this message we will endeavor to share with you a method for manifesting outcomes in your 3-D reality as well as in other dimensions of your being. This method is based on a fundamental understanding regarding geometry and the nature of consciousness. There are many geometries available to be used as vehicles for manifestation. We wish to share one of the simplest and, ironically, most effective.
so glad you resonated with my meanderings, and you are so right regards the sacred geometry, it's all there in the flower of life!
DeleteHi Chautauqua,
ReplyDelete(Althea here.) Great read, wonderfully "Express"ed. To me, the whole idea is not to escape 4D, but to understand it and then complete it, as in "Been there, done that." Upon waking up, and after dealing with denial, anger, sadness, all those, "It-can't-be true emotions," it then becomes necessary to fight, for a while, until one realizes that this either/or scenario is THE big opportunity to bust on out of here to a timeline of an Earth vibrating more in keeping with the unconditional love that is the energetic basis of the Universe. So, yes, choice time for sure, hopefully the last one we'll have to make for a few zillion years! See you at the beach and save me a piece of Mom's pie. Love, A. (P.S. to Anonymous 8:01 AM, start visualizing your timeline where none of what you have mentioned in your comment exists. This is not airy-fairy thinking, this is exactly as Chautauqua says, your thoughts create your reality, so what are you thinking? A.)
Great article, one of the best I've ever read! P.E.A.C.E.=Positve Energy Activates Constant Elevation
ReplyDeleteThanks Rodney~ and Namaste!
DeleteSo are we just supposed to think and intend our problems away? I did not read anything about becoming active in changing the world. If you truly believe that there is going to be a new world for those who hold positive thoughts and good intentions I must say that you are not using man's greatest tool (for those who know how to use it) - reason. Reason leads one to the understanding that we must become active in changing the world that we helped to create. Why are "thinkers and intenders" good enough for a new world if they are too lazy to get active in the changing of the one that the live on? To me this is not practical because it involves too much faith and belief. Be the change you wish to see, not think intend to be somewhere else.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be missing the key point here. How are you going to fix this poor dystopian world without first putting some thought & intention into it? If it is your choice to remain here and attempt a major repair job that is fine, but please remember that we humans can only see what we are prepared and willing to accept, therefore, as long as you reject the 5D world so many are gravitating to, you will never see it, or experience it. Good luck on the repairs.
DeleteFor the longest time I've had these two distinct possibilities floating through my mind (although of course in reality, there are infinite possibilities).
DeleteThe first is that we all remain in 3D, yet overcome TPTB and their world with love. That being done, truth is finally released to reveal hidden technologies that allow us to do, among other things, completely rebuild Gaia (and us) from the centuries of pollution, decimation and destruction she has seen. A new heaven on earth. Perhaps this is what you mean by repairs and remaining in 3D??
The second is that we ascend and move through timelines and dimensions (3D-5D...), leaving behind one world and almost immediately moving into a new world, a new earth, in a parallel timeline and reality.
I wonder . . . I sure would prefer the second possibility.
Thank you for another beautifully written article and vision.
I understand thought and intention completely, however, how can one be sure that this 5D concept was not just another concept placed into human consciousness similar to that of the major religions ie the concept of passivity and waiting for something better to come along while we are continuously being screwed by the Old World Order? I would love to transform into a new world where the OWO didn't exist but I also know that if that doesn't happen I have to work with what I have. Thought plus intention plus action equals change, its a trinity. Thought plus intention equals wishful thinking. If we don't actively change the world together now, it will be more of a mess next time around and the OWO will be so much more entrenched. Does this not make at least a reasonable argument?I have been in a "5D" state of mind for a long time, but I don't see a benefit of a message like this if it is going to leave out a piece of the puzzle.
DeleteYou ask about how we know this 5D reality isn't just another ploy? The answer is simple friend, because it empowers the individual, rather than limiting or diminishing them. It isn't passivity, it is creating with conscious intent, and if you've ever done it you know it is anything but passive! Nor is anyone "waiting" for something better, we are consciously creating both the world and the conditions in which it exists, the fact you cannot see it is lamentable, but nobodys fault but your own. By allowing for the possibility of your not "making it", you empower that as an acceptable reality. What I am saying is "see" the destination you desire, then commit fully to that choice, and go for it. Nobody is going to just hand it to you. If you believe I have left out a piece of the puzzle, fair enough, maybe I did, maybe not...go find it!!
DeleteThe very perception that we indeed could ever, FIX it, is but a trap that has been fallen into many times over. In your games, you play each level out, but at some point you move to the next level.. When you KNOW that you have achieved what you were here,to achieve, you will know what button to push.. Cheers, Doc
Deletei thik we need to use our intention for stepping out of this situation collectively and thinking of the world as a whole and not just for ourselves,
DeleteThanks for your thoughts and the ones that were created because of it.
ReplyDeleteThe lifelong quest for truth continues.
One thought for you to consider, there is no answer or solution, or Life,
without Love. In that Love we are, have been, and will be.
This unexplainable force will move mountains of Spirit at once.
What is the Answer?
Same as it always is.
"One of the first attachments we need to dump is the need to be right." YOU are so RIGHT! ~:) Folks with one foot in the 5th dimension are presently being drawn to one another via our respective magnetic forces - our vibes hear each other's song!
ReplyDeleteI've taken the "Bad Memorial Box" visual for my own as a vessel to dump all the old tears!
Thank you & bless you Augureye!
i always new that something very special was about me and in my essence,i have always been connected to the truth i know this and truth can never be wrong,as a very young child i new this world to be very evil from the get go and the cruel manner in which life played out,i am very artistic maybe genius but have held back my talent from nasty,,.i have tried to do my best ,ignorance had me make mistakes like so many of you have,wondering through this life, some of you are deeply scared ,but please try to remember how you felt a long time back,; you have changed we all have and some for the worst,but forgive yourself,life is a very challenging experience and we are still child,remember the loving soul you are, wishing you all to make it ,
DeleteI don't understand this 'dimensional' talk. What does the 4th and 5th dimensions refer to? I can understand a difference in density, which just refers to frequency or vibrational rate, but the 'dimensional' reference leaves me confused. Do the people that use the terms 3D, 4D and 5D really understand what they are refering to? Can anyone elaborate for me?
ReplyDeleteAlso, if we are spirit experiencing the physical (this dimension or density) then why do so many people express such concern for and apparent attachment to the fate of their 'physical' body once the transition from 3D to 5D has occurred?
Hi~ Excellent point, as there various concurrent uses of the term dimension, along with the incorrect usages we sometimes find. I'll give it a shot~ Firstly there are the eleven dimensions found in "M" theory, this having to do with quantum theory, etc. These eleven dimensions can loosly be thought of as 'places'... Now, within each of these eleven dimensions there can exist what we call vibrational dimensions such as 3rd, 4th 5th and so on. These are not so much 'places' as they are a frequency resonance within a place, and yes we call them dimensions as well, thus the confusion. Not to add to your confusion, these resonance dimensions are much like an octave on the musical scale, only vibrating considerably faster. Fifth dimension resonance is vibrating so fast, it cannot be seen at all in 3rd dimension time space, and only sometimes in the higher end of 4th dimensional resonance. I find it somehow reassuring to find there are the eleven quantum dimensions, and eleven resonance dimensions, along with who know what we will discover come tomorrow. Hope this helped. As Dr. Fred Wolfe says, "If you think you understand quantum physics, you haven't been paying attention." Peaceful Blessings.
ReplyDeleteAwesome article - thankyou so much for writing what has been in my mind for a while now! I am sharing your words with my peeps! <3 Cheers!
ReplyDeleteThough I seem not to have understanding of the concepts you seem to refer to, I seem to be unable to not be unambivalent, since, if God is infinite truth may encompass all philosophy, simply infinitely variable manifestations of "the way it is."
ReplyDeleteWe, however, seem obligated, through the exigencies of apparent daily existence to accumulate "understandings" or"decisions" about our conceptions of the physical world. For instance, daily, we may see a yellow stick leaving a dark mark on a piece of paper each time one end of it is dragged along the paper.
Now, do we seem to remember this happening before, or do we continually react in a delightedly surprised epiphany of discovery?
We may have no choice but to do so, but most of us seem to seek knowledge of God, though such a thing may represent a blasphemy, or beyond the possibility of possession. We seem to lack the perfection of perception of the concept that God, the infinite, may be all the ways we can seem to conceive of him being, and an infinite number of other ways of being, including, who knows, not being. Perhaps that's why there are atheists.
I seem not to know. My take away is gratitude. I have not been convinced of any individual's full knowledge of what God's purpose for this existence thing is, perhaps reflection, though possibly futile may be desirable.
Hi Anonymous, 6:17 PM,
Delete(Althea here.) When you figure out your purpose based on unconditional love, then you know God's purpose. Simple thinking? Yes. Hard to put into action? You betcha! Love, A.
When you seek knowledge of 'god' where do you go, where do you look? Those addicted to this level of existence will insist you must NEVER look anywhere but their accepted writings and teachings. They will distract you and try to keep your mind forever occupied so that you will never find the truth. The knowledge of god is the very fabric of existence. Everything is quite literally energy; physical, mental and spiritual. God is that energy. To come to understand that energy even a tiny bit, to 'talk' to god if you will, we must first become master of our own universe. We must learn to take charge of our thoughts, emotions, and behavior in all aspects of our lives. We must live unconditional love, that is the path to enlightenment. This is not an easy path but the 'rewards' are great, peace of mind and an understanding of how just by radiating the energy of love you are changing the world around you. May you find your way through the gates of gold. Peace be with you
DeleteWe are on the same page. The way I see it, there are and will be "strata"to live within, and we have a choice about which one we are in sync with. I am personally on the road to the 5th D as much as I can be. I admit to being distracted at times by things like Monsanto, but most of the time I am in a still merged point of well-being.
ReplyDeleteDear Chautauqua,
ReplyDeleteThank you for this article. I am very impressed with your work, you demonstrate clarity and integrity in your knowledge about these pivotal times in human evolution.
We have just published a book illustrating the technique to remove all blockages from our energy field and master the ego mind. This teaching explains in simple terms the key steps for ascension to the new dimension of human expression. So many know what they must do, but do not have the actual construct of the how - this book embodies the frequency of activation for all those who are ready to graduate.
Here is the link to the bookstore site where you can see a decent preview on the ebook link and purchase a copy in pdf and hardcopy format also.
We would love for you to read this and to hear your reactions.
Best wishes
Jose Arguelles spoke of the next world age as the Psychozoic Era and of our entrance into the Noosphere. He has written elaborate descriptions of 4th dimensional science -- the physics of the Noosphere -- in the series of seven books called the Cosmic History Chronicles [lawoftime.org]. It is very parallel with your descriptions--clues that we are now entering this age. He spoke of it as making the unconscious conscious...a pretty mind-blowing idea if you really think about it. Imagine all our dream imagery being physicalized! As we shift to this frequency the thought that reality is a function of consciousness won't seem so strange after all-just natural. Nice piece of writing!
ReplyDeletethat last line was so close to bill and ted's ; be excellant to each other (and party on dudes)
ReplyDeleteI hope that in 5D people don't lose their sense of humor and that there's cold beer.
ReplyDeleteAmazing post. We can't stop the manifestations of others but we can manifest the world we want to live in. If we opt out of the matrix by raising our vibration and awareness opportunities come two fold. Thanks for this a good reminder that to focus on the fear agenda is a reality I no longer choose. Love Jennifer
ReplyDeleteWow! this is awesome indeed! I feel compelled to tell you that only very recently I described that I was now seeing in 5D, I had no idea where that came from, I just became so aware of of a new level of awareness! i've slipped away from mainstream media and tv etc, almost bored of everything that it represents. And further, been made to feel weird for doing so. However, in that space I have created has come forth the following. There are at least 8 billion universes running simultaneously. Each person at any given point in time is holding a space in time that is exclusively theirs. It cannot be any other way. Or can it? Assuming this is correct then that person is thier own universe, everything around them is unique to them, the air they walk through and move, and they are as bright as any star. I am seeing everyone as a separate universe creating and growing as part of a whole and I think that it those 8 billion just stopped for one second and shared that thought, amazing things would happen.
ReplyDeleteThis is an amazing blog, nice one keep it coming please!
ReplyDeleteYour saying to focus on things that lift our energy and not the negative things. But you write about the injustices in the world. I think what your saying is focused awareness. That your aware what is happening but your not giving it energy. My 5th dimension would be a paradise or alternate reality with all negativity or the vast majority edited!
ReplyDeleteA WONDERFUL article! Shared it on my Flatbroke and Twatter networks. Namaste, Sue and all the animals. xxx
ReplyDeleteWe are One Mind. There is nothing outside of you. Life is a projection of your own and collective thought. There is no-one out there trying to control you, other than yourself.
ReplyDeleteNo one will get "lost" - life is eternal. If you are not yet willing to move on, that is fine too.
Non-attachment to things of form, be it "good" or "bad" and complete surrender to Life is the path to follow if you want to obtain peace and joy.
Greetingѕ! Veгy uѕeful advice in thiѕ ρarticulаг post!
ReplyDeleteIt's the little changes that will make the biggest changes. Many thanks for sharing!
My blog - bodybuilding fat loss
Truth. Thank you. Reblogged @ AbZu2
ReplyDeleteAwesome take on stepping away from the day to day rhetoric that keeps everyone bogged down in this dense reality. Something big is coming to us and we must be prepared in oh so many ways. So many are keeping their head in the sand. Keep looking for the good positive aspects of humanity for that is what really matters here now. Create what works for you and let all other chips fall where they will. Great article.
ReplyDeleteso my question didn't make the cut, would have been interested in what others think
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 9:11 AM-
DeletePlease re-ask your question, occasionally something doesn't get thru despite being posted. The only comments that don't make the cut here are the truly rude or asinine ones that benefit nobody, and thankfully, they be few in number. Questions are welcome, even if I don't have the answer!
There is no "splitting of the earth" into different "realities". This is a ploy to keep escapists distracted from doing anything to heal and elevate the earth. These escapists preach of a beautiful fantasy future for some while predicting a dire future for the others of earth's inhabitants, including innocent children, animals, plants, the entire biosphere - going to a hell not worth living in that should be abandoned to save one's self while arrogantly assuming the damnation of everyone and everything not in compliance with this destructive religious view promoted as "spiritual". No, no I "get it" I got it decades ago. This is "New Age" PTB elitist psy-op clap-TRAP. The only effect following that system is HOW a person experiences reality, not WHAT reality they experience. If it were true the "preachers" would be able to produce material evidence, such as "...moms fresh baked apple pies cooling on the windowsill." at will. They cannot. WE ARE "Home", people! WE have been trashing it by intent and by default. This is the time to heal, elevate, and move forward. Not into some fake fantasy preachers say you can escape to - if only you will (insert whatever religious teaching here). This hogwash has been going on since the 1840s, was near perfected in the 1950s. It always puts a Utopian dream just beyond the Now, the carrot of perfect fulfillment just barely out of reach. It is very appealing, speaks to hopeful wretches, and is easy to sell.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand there is some useful information here. Specifically about focusing on positive outcomes.
"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."
Henry David Thoreau
Don't be fooled, yet again, by these pipe dreams while you let the earth deteriorate even more. You are not going anywhere until you die. Make the best of it, apply your creative energy.
Delete"And those seen dancing were considered insane by those who could not hear the music."
I agree with you on continuing to assist others and help them awaken. I also don't think that the first thing we need to focus on is that we need to get over being "right", because the author should have thus then agreed wholeheartedly with you instead of saying that you are wrong and are not hearing the music. I think we should fully use our intentionality to help others to awaken...staying involved to the degree of concern without fear. I will not turn away from those who are not awakened. Stay involved...for you are the ones with the greatest power here being awakened. I don't believe in saving myself and not utilizing for the Earth what I have awakened to within myself. I am here united with the Great Mother and I will help her to cleanse for as long as I am here...which is until I leave this form...for then at that time...This is about the old paradigm completely dismantling here...use your creativity to enhance that..SEE IT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteThose who meditate on a regular basis seem to have increasing awareness of these changes. Also in order to stay in tune with the new vibrational reality, many of us need to get away from the towers that are seemingly everywhere. It helps to wear a scalar energy pendant and/or be in direct contact(sitting on, laying on) with earth for a period of time each day. Please remember that actions still speak louder than words, so thoughts can be communicated without language barriers. It is an awakening, it is a predestined occurrence. We as responsible inhabitants need to adjust our thoughts and actions toward a positive reality experience together.
ReplyDeleteReading this bring me to what it is to being present with FEAR! Thanks beyond words from the place where gratitude bonds us together in knowing the Oneness that we came to experience at the higher levels of our being.
Or also - False Emotions Appearing Real - they both work for me!
DeleteHi Chautauqua,
ReplyDeleteThree years ago when I started my journey, I could tell that many people changed their way of thinking but not all. The Internet seemed to be on fire (and increasingly so) with ideas and old-new information resurfacing, truth and otherwise.
Spiritual growth is a gradual process and everyone who is interested and ready will arrive to the states you are listing. We are All walking towards the same destination but approaching it from different roads. Those of us who are taking the curvy ones, "there may not be much time left in which to enter those course corrections" ... I agree. I know from my own experience that it takes time to clear up the past and heal so finally to be able to seal "the box". (One full year in my case) I thought the box was a clever representation by the way.
One of the biggest challenges that people are facing is to be able to break free from the environment they spend most of their time out of necessity. Stressful work places and commute time. I know people, including myself, it came to the point when I walked out into the unknown. Was I fear full? Certainly. I would be lying if I'd say it has been easy and the road to my new destination is still unknown. The old adage "good luck" simply does not apply in this new way of thinking. It is about trusting, which means letting the fear go. During this time, I changed at the core level. Certainly there is no way of turning back. Once your blinders are off they are off for good.
I am concerned about others, how on Earth people can raise their frequencies and maintain them? I know from a chiropractor that people are literally broken due to work and other stresses. Most cannot leave their day job because there are empty mouths to feed and so on. This world, even if it is dying, we are still in it and have to have shelter, food, clothing, and transportation just as basics. And because this 3D reality is so brilliantly constructed people are trapped, and until they can get out their frequency remains low. Even if TV and other media is eliminated the change is still difficult. I could not do it by remaining in the economic slavery. I know people who had made major changes with their lives family included. It took much effort and preparation because school children were involved. It is a full life style change. Often it meant leaving a location behind and often friends and partners.
This new way of living and thinking is certainly about inner knowing, trust, and manifestation. And it is not easy to look beyond your reality and conditions of your life. Not to mention the confusing information that is going around. It is war on all levels. One thing is certain, the chaos is growing, the old world is dying, the doors are closing one by one (diminishing job market and health care, irreversible environmental damage for the very most part...) so one can only look but ahead and beyond.
For what I can tell, the people that are awakening are trying to make necessary changes as much as they can. These efforts hopefully then lead us to a reality that it is human when ever and where ever that may be. However there are more people that are completely oblivious to what has been happening or resist to recognize these changes. I guess, as Anonymous 10;10 said "it is ok" eventually we all get there. Those who chose not to come aboard this time will catch the train next time" Although that may take s o m e t i m e. But as you also say in your article, we don't "need" to be. In this case, we don't need to be right and convince. All you can do is present the information and us share it if it feels right. After all, spiritual awakening is not a crusade but the choice of the individual.