Thursday, June 1, 2017

"I am a nasty woman"

During the "Women's March on Washington Jan. 21, 2017, actress Ashley Judd interrupted Michael Moore with "I am a nasty woman" poem written by nineteen year old Nina Mariah.

Thanks goes out to my Grand daughter Alex who sent me this video!

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  1. Yes! I saw this at the time. Good shit. Ashley did a great job. If I recall correctly, Nina is from Ashley's home town and asked permission to recite at the time and Nina was very happy with the results, Nina's original (I believe Ashley saw this live which led to the rest)

    P.S. How is your friend?


    1. Yes; an excellent example of speaking truth to power, something each of us should be doing.

      This is turning into an apocalyptic nightmare!

      Martha is doing OK nowadays, getting gene therapy, and keeping her spirits up. Today she gave me six awesome breakfast muffins to mark my sixth month of quitting smoking...still thinking of others despite her dilemma.

      That's Martha !!

    2. That is awesome! So proud of you and Martha, Great friends you have there. I hope gene therapy helps. I don't know what grows naturally where you are but there are some good plants (outside of Mary Jane) here in Florida that seem to help with different types of cancer (probably came from South of here even).... It is said that what you need grows around you...

      Also, was thinking about you when one of my teachers just had a post about Salmon. I hope I can post it to you here, thought you would appreciate it. No it does not go into the FU-shima issue but they seem to be a nice local, small scale fishery in Alaska....

      Not my business but I do wonder why you do not go back to a place you love so much... I have never been there but have learned so much from people that do live or have lived there.

      Thank you for your voice.


  2. PSS Not Nina Donovan, Nina Mariah (other is a _____ fill in the blank.

    Not meaning to be rude but someone is bullshitting people for a name!


    1. Yeah, I usually just go with the credits as they appear on YouTube -
      Thanks for the straight scoop!
