Monday, June 1, 2020


"Birth is Painful"
~Dr. Cornell West~

All of life can be broken down into moments of transition
and moments of revelation.  This has the feeling of both!

There is a greater darkness than the one we fight,
it is the darkness of the soul that has lost it's way.

The war we fight is not against powers and principalities;
but against chaos and despair.

Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams.
Against this peril we can never surrender.

The future is all around us...waiting in moments of transition
to be born in moments of revelation.

No one knows the shape of the future, or where it will take us...
We know only, that it is always born in pain.

If we are wise, what is born of that pain
Matures into the promise of a better world

Because we learn that we can no longer afford
the mistakes of the past."
                                                                                                     ~ G'Kar ~


                                  2016   ~   "I Alone Can Fix It"
2020 ~ "I Take No Responsibility At All"

When protesters crashed a barricade 350 feet from the white house Friday night; Trump retreated 5 floors beneath the white house to his bunker cowering in fear for his pathetic life.  After ordering new, taller security fences be placed around the white house, Trump  emerged from hiding Monday and gave a rose garden press conference in which he stated he was the law & order president and an ally of peaceful protesters.  At the exact same time a couple blocks away at St. Johns church; 100% peaceful protesters gathered to protect the church from vandalism were attacked by cops on horseback firing rubber bullets, tear gas and flash grenades.  This totally unprovoked action was taken because Trump wanted to use the church as a propaganda backdrop for a photo-op.  He walked to the church, bone spurs and all to address the nation.  In front of this historic church Trump fondled a bible (as if trying to decide what it was).  A reporter asked if it was his bible, Trump replied, "It is A  bible."  Then, Trump brandishes the bible...upside down; and remained speechless for a few minutes before leaving the area.  Somehow this feckless stunt is a fitting analogy for his entire presidency, and life.

He went from hiding in his bunker to hiding behind "A" bible & his fake Christianity. 

This ham-handed demonstration of depraved indifference is bizarre even by Trump standards.  How un-like him to waste an opportunity to spew more hate filled rhetoric!  I ponder why he would just stand there silently holding a bible (upside down) like that.  What was the point?  What was it supposed to accomplish?  Was it symbolism?  Or, perhaps a his cult of followers?

The cable news talking heads keep saying that this is the tipping point, they're wrong.  
The tipping point was Rodney King 28 years ago.
This is the Boiling Point!

So, tonight America is now a "Battlespace" under curfew; where last night Trump deployed military helicopters to disperse peaceful protesters, and today he deployed the 82nd Airborne (with bayonets) on American streets during the worst pandemic in history...with 40 million unemployed.

 The revolution will be televised.

Update: Sept 15, 2020
We now learn from a white house whistle-blower
that Trump wanted to use a Heat Ray  on protesters, 
A military weapon deemed too dangerous for war!

Is it insane enough for you yet?

© 2020 full re-post with permission only 


Kimberly Jones Video: "You Broke the Contract"


  1. Replies
    1. You're most welcome Sue; thanks for stopping in!

  2. Replies
    1. LOL! Wait until the heat is really turned up. I have a feeling that a general will be taking his place while he is taken elsewhere. The king provocateur has just about served his purpose.

    2. I'm kinda fond of Bunker Rat myself...
      Now he says he was just "inspecting" his bunker
      So I guess I gotta go with Bunker Rat Inspector!

    3. Bunker Rat Inspector! Hahahaha! Inspecting his bunker. Each thing he says or does is more unbelievable than the last. Holding that bible up in front of the church!? I can not understand how anyone would still be supporting him.

  3. I live less than a mile from the epicenter of it. I could walk there in 15 minutes and witness the peaceful crowds gathered, composed mostly of teens and young people, families, friends, and some elders, many colors, shapes and sizes. I can see the memorials, altars and chalk drawings and words of sadness and rage and love. In one photo I saw, flowers were laid out in a circle, like a medicine wheel. The intersection likely will remain closed to vehicle traffic for a while. The photo above at the very top is taken on the miles-long East Lake Street, where the riots, arson and violence took place a week ago. It is calmer tonight; people on foot and bike and car give one another wide berth, trying to give one another space, in more ways than one. And the four cops are now charged, thank gods or we would see it all over again. And community boards, schools, municipal agencies, labor unions and other entities, like falling dominoes, are one by one ending contracts, withdrawing support and severing ties with the Minneapolis Police Department.

    We'll see how the MPD reacts. I don't count Bob Kroll out, not at all. His type does not go quietly. But maybe he will read the literal writing on the wall, and maybe... just retire already, man.

    1. Really appreciate your input. Despite today's development of all 4 cops being charged, and 2nd degree murder for the first one, the protests have gone global. This is now a groundswell event which has taken on a life of its own, the fuse has been lit, and I think, intentionally! Suppose for a moment that the murder of George Floyd was designed, planned and carried out specifically to spark the exact reaction we've seen. Fill American cities with angry protesters at the height of the corona virus pandemic to really ramp up the body count. Then for good measure, suppose the attacks on peaceful protesters and illegally deploying combat troops on American streets were also done intentionally to just pour more fuel on the fire...more protests, more violence; which is exactly what Trump would need to declare martial law, postpone the election indefinitely...AND REMAIN IN OFFICE.

      This is it!

    2. Thank you for sharing this, Kieron. Yes, so grateful all those cops were charged. Seeing that video of George’s death is horrific and so terribly sad. When I think of that cop that did it my head feels like it will explode.

      Chautauqua, what you wrote is one of my greatest fears. Did you see the propaganda video he put out maybe an hour after he gassed peaceful protesters? So damn sick.

    3. The fate of the 4 cops will be relegated to a footnote to history compared to what is happening & will happen. In "Endgame Lockdown" I said that this is all designed with their agenda in mind, and recent events seem to validate that. Every single step is calculated & well planned to elicit chaos & death: Ignoring covid warnings that could have saved thousands & thousands of American lives, His do-nothing approach to stopping or even slowing the pandemic, his inflammatory racial comments from the 60's, his constantly putting property value above human life, his constant golfing...Nero is literally fiddling while Rome burns. I was a witness to the 60's and as bad as it was, this is worse because now chaos & death are the desired result with Trump playing the part of Deaths cheerleader. Get Ready!

    4. Sue~ No, I didn't see the video you referenced, but I did see the previous one a few weeks ago, which made me wanna puke, so I can well imagine.

      We need to monitor & limit how much negative news & BS we allow ourselves to absorb, and then remember to neutralize the negativity we do take in. Now is THE time to protect your physical & spiritual immune systems more than ever.

    5. quote:
      ...Independent journalist Yasha Levine writes: “During the 1968 protests of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, which drew about 10,000 protesters and was brutally crushed by the police, 1 out of 6 protesters was a federal undercover agent. ...

  4. Bible thumper bunker boy
    To hear the hoofbeats brings him joy
    He treats the world as his own toy

    Clog the air filters with the dead
    To make him rear his ugly head

    Golfing in the apocalypse

    1. Tweeting from hiding now
      Bunker Boy has lost his grip,
      Pretends to be a king
      When he's just a witless twit.

      Seventy five tweets just today
      Bunker Boy is real annoyed,
      But with all the things he had to say
      He never said the name George Floyd.

  5. So I left the hospital a while back to find the world and people had changed It was and wasn't my world. Today, a few months later, the thing, the conundrum, the singularity, the new deal, the world, has taken a few turns for the worse. No, the dead aren't walking. Or are they? No, that's not right. The living are acting dead? That's closer to describing it, but that doesn't work either. People are now, not so much living, as they are acting out, performing, in the manner of a puppet on a string. That's about as close as I can get. It is beyond description and you can only go so far with words. Behold, if you dare, the dancing nurses, and now the dancing cops. In what world would such a phenomenon occur and actually be deemed funny and entertaining? Certainly not in this world. I am convinced of one thing. Although it was I who had the stroke, it was the world and the people in it that changed. I stroked out and feel the same while one side of the world's face is drooping. People walk and talk, but they wear masks, stay home, and say crazy things they never used to say. I see how they've changed, yet they cannot. How can they not? Now it's ok to throw bricks through store windows and burn buildings down while huddled in masses at night, but I assure you, even if you somehow cannot remember anymore, it was never, ever, ok until a few days ago. How can they not know they have lost their minds? Not everyone has lost their mind. But far too many have, and so swiftly. I was only away three weeks. Three weeks to change the world and most of the people in it. Such a thing cannot happen, and yet it has happened. 

    There have been times during the last two months especially, as observed rationality fades, when I half expected to wake up back in the hospital after the longest and worst nightmare ever, but no such luck. Maybe, just maybe, it is time for people to re-examine the true nature of the world and themselves. If we are to rebuild once the destruction has run its course, let it for once be built on truth or not at all.

    --Rick Grimes

    1. I hope you recover well from your stroke. Do you you have the COVID? Aside from that, I don’t agree that it is ok to throw bricks through windows, etc. I don’t see anyone condoning that. But I see trump using it as another excuse to try to get tanks in the streets. He already had his parade. I guess that didn’t scratch his eternal authoritarian itch. People are wearing masks for good reason. I, for one, being chronically ill, appreciate it very much. The peaceful protests are against police brutality. Even the NFL admitted they were wrong. I think these protests were long overdue. I pray they change things. I don’t see any zombies on puppet strings and actually don’t know what you mean...unless it is the people that blindly followed trump out to his bible photo op after having peaceful protesters attacked. I agree that the world looks very different. Again, I hope your recovery goes well.

    2. Rick~ Indeed, I think we all are having some degree of reality cramps: its like a really bad acid trip, except its really happening. We must adjust on the fly because of the rapid pace of events. You know you're in the twilight zone when weed is easier to get than toilet paper, and the price of oil is zero!!

  6. Chautauqua, yes! Beautifully said. “We need to monitor & limit how much negative news & BS we allow ourselves to absorb, and then remember to neutralize the negativity we do take in. Now is THE time to protect your physical & spiritual immune systems more than ever.”

    I agree so very much! Thank you for that. I am trying to temper that anger I feel at injustice with a lot of spiritual work. But it feels difficult. I am trying to work through the anger. I know that, for me, the spiritual work is a form of activism and the anger really just disrupts things (for me. I know it can be a good motivator for others). Thanks so much for your blog. Love that Galactic Butterfly, btw. I have that on a shirt.

    1. Thanks for the kind blog IS my activism. I was going to go protest, but then I saw the video of an old white man being shoved to the ground by cops & cracking his skull like an egg. If "Bunker Bitch" can hide in his bunker then I can hide behind my blog.

      I know you are angry, so am I, but we must remember
      that anger is a punishment we give ourselves for someone else's mistake.
      Stay Frosty
