Some days the gravity of depression makes just getting out
of bed seem like a major accomplishment.
It's the certain knowing that the yesterday's terrors still await; just
beyond the veil of slumber, whether they be personal, national or
Willing or not we arise each day nonetheless to face anew
demons both known and unknown, and give it our best shot once again. Whether the demons are with us or against us
matters little because we seem to have collectively chosen to forget that this
isn't how it's supposed to be; this is not who we are.
We are gradually, grudgingly
remembering something of our true selves, our true nature as sovereign
souls but we don't always recognize or trust our senses because the
memories are filtering through generations of programming by those who wish to
control and enslave us for fun and profit.
We arrive here with free will and precious little memory
of before; and from the moment of our birth all that starts to fade away. We're each given a name, race, religion, and nationality
all of which is just a false identity imprinted upon us which we are expected
to defend for the rest of our life. The
system is so diabolical that it doesn't even need to constantly keep the
pressure on us to conform; we do that for them thru peer
pressure, because the very worst thing is to be an outsider, belonging to no
distinct group.
How about we take a closer look at what being a sovereign
soul means so that we all go forward with the same definition. There is the common definition of sovereign which relates to a monarch, or
ruler of a land which when applied spiritually to an individual simply means we
are the "masters of our fate and the captain of our souls" as William
E. Henley wrote in Invictus.*
The dictionary goes on to further define sovereign as possessing supreme or
ultimate power, unlimited, unrestricted, boundless, unconditional and
superlative in quality! Having sovereign
power over our Self means that we
enjoy the autonomy of independence and undisputed ascendancy. Or at least we are supposed to, but as I look around me I see damn few of us
living our lives that way. In fact,
modern society is designed and structured to prevent us from remembering who we
really are and why we're all here at this critical time in history.
Some might reply that every individual living their fullest
potential as a sovereign soul wouldn't work because everyone would be their own
deity. Exactly! That is the expressed meaning in the greeting
Namaste, "I salute the God within you." It really is as simple as that. The only reason to complicate or obfuscate the
matter is to trick us into giving our power away to others so that they can in
turn control us, robbing us of our dignity as sovereign souls.
Our sovereignty as souls was stolen from us so long ago that
we simply don't remember anything else, which is why we tacitly accept what we
have today as 'reality' when it is the farthest thing from it; and in the
silence at the heart of things we know
that. Those who seek our
conformity and silent acceptance of things do not want us applying concepts
such as unlimited, unrestricted,
boundless, unconditional and autonomy
to ourselves lest we become awake; and aware of our true heritage of being
sovereign spirits. Sovereignty is the
very essence of Freedom; and is exactly why we are not allowed to live
according to our spiritual preferences.

We are here to live in balanced harmony with the planet, not
to rape it and strip it bare of its treasures, destroying the environment in
the process, just so the self appointed shepherds can live in uncontrolled
luxury. In the silence at the heart of
things, we know this, and yet we never speak out; as if we've long ago given up
any hope of anything better than what little is offered to us, afraid of losing
Time after time we bear silent witness to the atrocities
committed by the powerful in pursuit of ever more control, ever more
riches. We've turned our gaze and
thoughts away for so very long, insulated by geography, that we can only gaze
in silent horror now that the atrocities have come home to America. The fact that humanity has to clarify that any lives matter should be
concern enough that we are very far away from where we should be. Yet we humans seem to harbor a deep seated
hatred of our own kind which is evident from even a cursory glance thru our
history on this planet.
"You want change without
sacrifice, you want peace with no struggle,
the world doesn't work like
~David, (the
Divergent series)~
It's a simple formula that's been working for
centuries. First our self appointed
leaders convince us that we need them. Then
they point out those who are different, &
decree that they are the enemy coming
to take all your stuff; and keep us at each others throats fighting their wars
of conquest, control and riches. Somehow, we never seem to catch on to the game. We're never given even the slightest chance
to call a worldwide 'time out' to discuss things among ourselves. Our sovereignty has been stolen, and we've
been enslaved without bars & chains
so we think we are free; yet in the silence at the heart of things we know that
we are not.

In every single aspect of our lives we are separated,
categorized and designated as belonging to at least one group or another, with
many of us occupying two or more groups; such
as a woman who is a mother and also a CEO of a business. We are divided into groups by income,
religion, ethnicity, and gender. We are
encouraged and often rewarded for staying within our given social strata when
it in the upper percentages, while those in the lower social strata of
"urban" environments are intimidated and forced to stay within
theirs. This is perhaps the oldest of
the caste systems, the haves vs the have nots."
As the late George Carlin so wisely noted: "In America we have a 3 class system. You have the upper class who own all the property and control all the money;
then you have the middle class who
do all of the work for very little money.
Then you have the lower class,
the poor, whose function is to scare the shit out of the middle class." That is exactly how the "system" is
designed to work. It isn't broken as
politicians always claim in false dismay; it's working exactly the way it
is intended to function, and by now I believe most of us understand that no
amount of voting is going to change anything.
This system takes an increasing toll on us as we constantly
struggle to keep head above water and loved ones safe from harm. Having to pretend that the
everyday mundane world is in any way normal
tends to turn us a bit neurotic the longer we live with the dichotomy. As a result we humans show a pronounced need
for our little psychological crutches whatever they may be: cigarettes, drink,
smoking cannabis, sex, sports, or just schadenfreude. Sometimes the crutches manifest as music,
reading, hobbies, television, shopping, surfing the internet, multi-tasking or
just plain busy work. Anything to prevent us being alone with our own thoughts for more than a few minutes.

Perhaps because of spiritual neurosis we humans show a
marked capacity for enduring life long bouts with low self esteem, at the very
least. To avoid this; some elect to
excel at everything they do, which is just playing into the grand design. Our self-anointed rulers invented competition as a means to keep us challenging each
other instead of them. Others among us are not so resilient, or able to process & integrate the increasing madness in open
society, so they sometimes act out just to maintain whatever grip they have on
reality. Along with competition amongst
ourselves, the overlords came up with a blueprint for our care & feeding
which we call the rat race.
Rat Race & 3 Circles of Choice
First we're fed this
disgusting notion that our existence is all for the sake of progress and unlimited, unchecked growth of business and financial
kingdoms; everything comes after that in priority, especially us! To facilitate this we were given the 40 hour
work week with a two week vacation every year, maybe. It is cleverly
disguised in such a way as to give workers the illusion of promotion & advancement within the company, which
always seems to go to the less deserving kiss asses.
To reach the financial security and "good life" of
the upper eschelon one must scramble every day because on this playing field
the competition is nothing if not brutal.
Once there you are always on guard for some aggressive and bold move on
your job by any number of other workers, nothing is guaranteed, hence the rat
In the workplace, career and life in general, about the most
important tool one has is their decision making skill. Good choices can make things easier, while bad
ones can haunt us for years, if not a lifetime.
When it comes to making our decisions, we find that choice comes in
three distinct & concentric circles
with us in the center. The first circle of choice is the
closest to us as it represents short term day to day, mundane choices. The
second circle of choice is further out and represents intermediate
decisions over a range of months and consists primarily of planning and
strategy, etc. The third circle of choice represents our long range goals that the
intermediate choices hopefully bring to us.
Our problems tend to arise when we make our career choices
within the limited sphere of probability we're offered. Major pressure is put upon us to be
winners all the time at every thing we attempt. Of course it isn't logical but when has that
ever stopped us from folly? In the
workplace and in professional careers this rush to be number one, to be a
winner is unrelenting, and for most of us unbearable. We must decide how we will deal with this on
a daily basis, smack in the middle of the first
circle of choice.
"Every birth is an act
of violence, every death, is a suicide;
in-between we are the slaves
of lies"
Nobody sets out to be a total loser, so we rule that out
right away. The trouble is that being
a winner constantly at the top of the heap is exhausting, expensive and really hard on
relationships, and it sucks! For the
majority it's just too much stress trying to win the rat race; that in our
subconscious mind we make that first
level decision to not
make the effort to always be a winner, and to not be a loser either.
We make the unconscious choice to just glide thru life somewhere between
being a "winner" and being a "loser" and that one choice
limits & cripples every choice that
comes after; because no second or third level choices can exceed limits set on
the first level.
This is exactly how so many have short circuited their own
success in life. Even if you come to
have the necessary skills and experience to excel and be a "winner,"
that first level choice will always prevail and snatch victory from your
The same thing can happen with our emotions if we aren't
being aware. Again we have a situation
where our choices are often influenced by peer pressure. One or two painful sojourns in the world of
romance can cause us humans to protect ourselves from another such
experience. In one extreme, we don't
think we deserve a healthy loving relationship and sentence ourselves to a life
of solitude.
On the opposite end of extreme are those who remain in a
toxic relationship for years believing they deserve nothing better. That old
low self esteem thing again. Then there are those who move from one
relationship to another, and then another like butterflies sampling a field of
flowers; all to keep from feeling that hurt again. Insulated and alone even in a crowd.
Lak'ech ~ Ala K'in
There is an ancient Mayan traditional greeting known as In Lak'ech-Ala K'in which translated to
English means roughly "I am another You-You're another Me." This was their way of always honoring the
sovereign soul that abides within each of us.
It served to remind the individual that no matter the circumstances,
what he does to others he does also to himself.
We have lost that knowledge because we have lost our way.

We have been so caught up in the games of the great shining
lie for so long now that we're on the verge of losing our sense of
humanity. All of the truly nasty things
which turn our stomachs and sicken our souls has been amplified (with the horror factor ratcheted up) by
our traverse through 4th dimensional time-space. We are living in the last days of the Kali
Yuga, burning out the
negative dichotomies of the Piscean age as the fledgling era of Aquarius gets
it's legs and wits about it. Call it the
cleansing rinse of a 26,000 year cosmic cycle that both the Hindu and Mayan
knew about.
Just today in conversation with a friend, we acknowledged
how badly the dark ages set us
back. Almost a thousand years without
any scientific advancement whatsoever, and generations living only to exist
another day, with medicine considered witchcraft. Without the dark ages we might very well have
cured cancer and have people living on the moons of Saturn. In some very real ways we are on the cusp of
a new dark age all over again. Only time
will tell if we will actually allow them to walk us backwards for a thousand
One of the things used to separate us from our past as
sovereign souls and prevent us from remembering it; is something called forbidden archaeology. Just as there are many things and subjects we're not permitted to know today; the
exact same holds for the ancient past on this planet. Great effort has been, and shall continue to
be made to conceal from the general public the existence of many
"lost" civilizations throughout history. Civilizations which possessed technology
superior to what we have today are not lost, knowledge of them is
forbidden. Ruins of a great ancient city
have been discovered in recent years deep in the waters near Cuba,
with very little news reporting.
If we were allowed access to such information it would
enable us to readily see that in the distant past humans were more advanced
with superior technology than what exists today. Even history which is not forbidden talks of great science & weapons; such as the Indian Mahabharata. We have been
hand fed just what knowledge we're supposed to have which has filled our heads
with revisionist history and outright lies.
Knowledge is power, which is exactly why things operate as they do.
Meanwhile at Standing
Rock, North Dakota; politicians &
corporations are working together to poison native American tribal water
supplies; because none of the white communities wanted the
toxic risk in their neighborhood, just a few miles away. Total disregard for human life and the
environment just to make some damn money.
In Oak Flat, Arizona the
government is trying to sell sacred tribal lands to mining corporations despite
a strong tribal push back and protest.
Outright theft of native American lands, still going on today. Why do we still allow such things? Why do we just turn a blind eye and ear every
time. Perhaps a far better question is,
who do we expect will stand up in outrage when they come for us? That's a thought to ponder.
Europe is experiencing a historic
refugee crisis with people fleeing from various mid-east war zones. Some countries are welcoming
the refugees with open hearts and arms, to feed and shelter them, while many
others refuse to help. It shouldn't
matter what ethnicity refugees are;
yet so many countries blatantly refuse to help Muslim refugees in any way.
Where is the humanity? There is
no rational or moral reason for refusing aid to Muslim refugees, only fear and
racist rhetoric, that's all.
Yet when Trump first decreed his illegal/immoral Muslim
travel ban, I witnessed the news coverage of Americans in Airports forming a
human shield to protect Muslims who were in prayer for their
families safety. Sovereign souls know no
ethnic or political boundaries, nor do they tolerate racism & bigotry.
all the same, we all bleed the same red blood.
Unfortunately this thinking is not prevalent with those in
power around this planet, as slavery and human trafficking continue to be
thriving occupations; and wherever you go human dignity is dismissed as humans
are slaughtered by the hundreds every day as if they are livestock.
There is the deep
internet where one can go to purchase anything from illicit drugs to
assassinations for hire, that has been getting some news recently; and it is
simply the internet for those in real
life who sell humans into slavery as if selling a cow or chicken.
The deep internet, sometimes also called dark-net is not just a reflection of the worst
side of humanity, I believe it was also created by them, and their kind; it's simply an extension of the black market and shadow economy.
As recently as 1830, the New York
trading houses commonly backed financial deals with slaves, not currency. In a very real sense, slavery built America. In addition to slavery being rampant in the
south, many American cities were built with deals that were backed by slaves somewhere in the mix.
All of that was possible because people with black skin were
thought by whites to be inferior in every way, and not worthy of the same life
and liberty enjoyed by their owners. In
point of fact, google "cornerstone speech" and you
will very plainly see that the entire concept and reality of the confederate
states was founded upon the wrong-headed
notion that Negroes are inferior to white skinned people.
Almost 200 years after slaves were considered as currency in
New York we are still
dealing with the same pig headed thinking that has
caused so much misery and hatred on this planet. Slavery wasn't abolished, it was just made
illegal; the thinking behind it is what remains, and it always finds a way
around the law. Until the concept of In Lak'ech-Ala K'in lives in every human
heart on the planet, we will still be held back from our Noetic destiny by those
who only know hate and intolerance.
Our destiny as a nation my have just abruptly changed for
the worse with the racist hater Trump in charge. The budget suggestions he just handed
congress included many billions for defense, and a slashed budget for social
programs and the arts & humanities
Clearly humanity has a lot of work to do in several areas
before we overcome intolerance, hatred and greed. There are those who desire to help fix these
social problems by making us all equal thru technology, the transhumanism crowd who just can't wait till we all have implants and think the
same thoughts. We can always tell when a
concept is gaining ground with the ruling class because movies and TV shows about it begin popping up. Films like "Prometheus" along with televised series like "Westworld" and "Humans" all center on the common
theme of taking the sovereign soul right out of the equation. Just one of the nastier side effects of
technology addiction.
Corporations have become voracious raptors; infecting humans
with insatiable greed and the ability to justify anything with
three little words: "It's just
business" - as if business
was nothing but a brand new fluffy &
toothless puppy dog. The assimilation
that became the military-industrial-complex
which departing president Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell speech has
since taken over the world.
Corporations even have the utter audacity of demanding they be granted all the same rights as a human
person! Well, I think that by now we
all understand that no corporation has a soul, so just how the hell can it be a
'person'? Even this simple basic truth
is ignored
by all, and corporations got what they wanted, status of personhood
in the legal system.
Anything our leaders don't want us knowing or learning about
is simply ignored in the American media, which
is owned by just six companies.
As example; the two biggest stories currently under US news
blackout are Fukushima,
and the populist revolution in Iceland. They really don't want us reading about how Iceland
has effectively taken their country back from big banks and corporations. They don't want us knowing that in a free
democracy, we the people still means

If we sovereign souls are enslaved by anything today it is
money; because we need it to live and survive.
So in that regard we are at
the whim of those who control the flow of money. We willingly wear the symbols of servitude,
the business suit and tie, the uniform of the corporate slave, ever reluctant
to break the bonds of fashion set by those in control. Origin of the business tie goes back to the
mercenaries hired by King Louis the 13th during France's
30 years war; who wore colored pieces of cloth around their neck as part of
their uniform. King Louie liked the look
so much he made it mandatory at all formal gatherings, and the rest is
So; our quest for money for survival includes wearing the
approved uniform of the era; but it is the need
for that money which enslaves us, and controls our behavior. We can trace this need for money all the way back to the Chinese Mongol King, Kublai
Khan, (grandson of Genghis Khan) who was the first
to introduce the concept of paper money to take the place of
gold & silver coins. He simply decreed that "paper was the
new gold" and those who refused to accept this were killed.
These days those who refuse to use paper currency are not
put to death so much as they are forgotten by a system which runs on that paper
money. You might also run into some
difficulty if you took all your paper money and tried to turn it in for the
gold that supposedly backs it. Just like
in Kublai Khan's time we're forced into a false economic system whether we like
it or not. Forced by both tradition and
peer pressure to conform to the all prevailing system because "it's only business" after all. We sacrifice all our hopes and dreams upon
the altar of consumerism and business as dutiful worker drones of the great
shining lie.
It is not by error or mistake that life in the system leaves
no time for us to pursue the benefits of being sovereign souls. Just as we are allowed the freedom to wear
whatever necktie we want, we're also permitted to belong to any of the approved
organized religions as long as it involves giving all your power away.
The power of a sovereign soul must be formidable for there
to be so much energy put into denying it's existence. Ever notice how there always seems to be some
horrible fate or spiritual penalty for not believing the same way as the
majority do? The system demands our
conformity and the church insists we should be humble in supplication. I've always had a problem with how every
religion insists that their way is the only way. It has always bothered me that some 2000
years ago God's son said we should love one another; and ever since we've been
killing one another over how he said it.
I'm pretty sure that isn't what he had in mind!
The system fills our heads with the idea that there is never
enough to go around, and that only the hardest working will gain the rewards of
status & wealth. They hold that
carrot just out of reach while they smack our subconscious with the stick to
keep us motivated enough to keep running the rat race, thinking we'll get ahead. We're conditioned
to see everyone as our competitor, they play on our trust issues and feed our
Even if we resist all these pressures of the modern world we
still see those around us who are always negative and full of ulterior motives. People who use passive aggressive
manipulation to not just get their way, but to get ahead of the other rats in
the race. This is not to say that one
who has discovered their sovereign soul nature cannot thrive in the everyday
mundane business world, just the opposite.
When you know you are a sovereign soul it then becomes much easier to
work around the pitfalls of conformity.

On an everyday basis we only see one side of the other
people we interact with, that side of them they feel comfortable with others seeing,
their social mask. To see beyond this
social mask you either need to know one another over a long time; or see them
when disaster strikes. In our everyday
mode of conformity we can become untrusting and even self centered. When some disaster or other emergency strikes
however, that is when we shine our brightest.
All the fake everyday mundane stuff falls away and the sovereign soul
emerges, out of necessity. Unfortunately,
once the emergency has subsided we slip back into that everyday survival
Our pre-determined way of life is structured by those who
control the money and make the rules. If
we are very fortunate we can find a way of making money within this system by
doing what we love; but for the majority I feel that is something only dreamed
about. No matter how hard we work, there
always seem to be obstacles which prevent us from accruing a meaningful savings
or actually achieving our dreams. Those
obstacles are built into the system for exactly that function. Somehow, the more money we make, the more it
takes to live; the higher our tax rate is, and the more frequent our financial
emergencies become. That I suspect, is why we call it the rat
"Light up the Darkness"
~Bob Marley~
So how do we go about reclaiming our spiritual sovereignty? Alas there may be no perfect answer to that
question as we're each unique sovereign souls; and each with vastly differing
situations & life experience. Of course the first thing that may come to
mind is protest. The fact that those in
power generally ignore protest should not deter us from committing to that
tactic, as it has been known to work quite well in many instances.
Speaking of committing to the tactic: in the last eight
years 146 Tibetan monks have self-immolated in protest. That is taking the tactic of protest to the
ultimate spiritual level possible. To
destroy ones mortal self rather than endure conditions that crush the soul.
Short of following the Tibetan monks example, what can we
Well for one we can protest often and loudly against the
things that make our souls sick. These
days that alone could be a full time profession if only it included a paycheck;
being that there is no shortage of things and people to protest.
We can spiritually network with other awake, like minded
souls both in our daily lives and through social media. This cannot be stressed enough, as the famous
Arab spring revolutions of 2011 were made possible thru the use of social media;
and the reason why dictators always seek to shut down internet access to suppress
the ideology of the sovereign souls demanding justice and equality.
We can also take the fight directly into the spiritual realm
within our own spiritual practice. Meditation can do wonders for relieving the
daily stress and keeping our connection with the divine strong. Jnana: is a Sanskrit term for knowledge
acquired through meditation which transcends this mundane plane of earthly existence.
We then take that information gained in meditation, and apply it to our waking
In our waking life we can also refuse to support that which
is destroying us. Refuse to purchase
products from corporations that destroy the environment. Refuse to purchase GMO foods that poison your family. We can stop the silent tacit approval crap
and stand up for the kind of world we want.
Believe me, if we do not do this, nobody will do it for us, that you can
count on.
It's clear to see the prevailing corporate system is
failing, and falling apart. We must see
that destruction through to it's logical conclusion, then scrape away all trace
of it, and start over.
No, that will not be
easy, just necessary; and it will call for an entirely new, equable system
based upon such arcane concepts as truth and justice. All the chaos and carnage in the world right
now is just the Kali Yuga burning away a paradigm that is no longer sustainable. This 4th dimensional transit is here to pave
the way for a higher, more spiritual epoch where the sovereign soul is not
beaten into conformity to serve the state.
We are coming into a time of unprecedented enlightenment,
but we're not there yet. We are not here
to bear witness to this great shift of the ages, we are here to be midwives and
help bring it fully into manifested reality.
We're here, as Bob Marley said, to light
up the darkness. Go inside to the
silence at the heart of things, and discover that which holds true meaning in
your life: then have the courage to build your life around that!
Francisco in the middle '60's was a very special
time and place to be a part of. There was madness in any direction, any hour,
you could strike sparks anywhere. There
was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we
were winning. And that I think was the
handle - that sense of inevitable
victory over the forces of old and evil; not in any mean or military sense, we
didn't need that, our energy would simply prevail. We had all the momentum. We were riding the crest of a high &
beautiful wave. So now, less than five
years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas & look west; and with
the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high water mark, that place where
the wave finally broke, and rolled back."
~ Hunter S. Thompson~
© 2017 full re-post with permission only
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