So there I was having just sat down to dinner in time to catch the beginning of the movie I've been waiting to see. I turned off the phone and computer so as to not have any unwanted distractions while I watched the latest new terminator franchise movie.
The opening credits are just ending, which makes me wonder
why they haven't changed that along with everything else, It just makes
no sense to splash all that writing all over the screen obscuring the picture
I'm trying to see. The same exact lists
of names are at the end of the movie, but the ego freaks know nobody
would ever see them so they splatter them all over the screen at the beginning
too. Damned annoying, if I wanted to
read, I would have grabbed a book instead of the remote. But it's all good now as the credits are finished and the
action has begun, and looks so damn real on the Double Dolby Plasma HD big
screen BluRay home theater. The screen
takes up the whole wall; so with the right lighting it just looks like you're
looking out a window at real life and the people are all life size. Unfortunately so is the hapless fly buzzing
around like some drunk kamikaze pilot trying to fly thru the window to get outside. As soon as that sucker works his way near me,
it's gonna be 'instant universe' pal, and good riddance, cause flying
bugs strafing the screen are as annoying as opening credits and political
campaign ads. Here he comes now, boy is
he in for a surprise. Most folks would
just black flag that housefly, except what's poison for him is also
poison for me so I never use the crap.
all you need is a plastic spray bottle full of high test Windex, the
stuff with the ammonia in it.
When the insect in question is in range I just blast him with a couple
shots, when the spray hits his little spiracles it's like liquid-X on a
date-rape and he drops to the floor where it's so much easier to step on him.
Gotta drop this little pest quick the first try, or I'll be hunting the clever little bastard all night. Once they know you've gone weapons hot the little scudders have a whole bag of tricks to evade & hide from you...just until you go back to what you were doing, then they start their strafing run right at your third eye! He's nearly in the kill zone, and doesn't see the spray bottle as a threat the way he would a fly swatter or rolled up news paper, so he's almost a goner. He is flying right at me, so I fake him out a little by reaching for my drink, he sees me and banks to the right to avoid me...putting him on my bulls eye. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh; my chemical-biological weapon is deployed with zeal and overkill as I want this sucker dead right now.
To my amazement, this brazen insect does not fall to the floor dying but rather goes ballistic in a vertical climb which becomes a beautiful hammerhead stall and he dives right down on me at like ninety friggin MPH. How the hell did he do that, it was a direct hit, even if the ammonia didn't knock him out right away, the sheer weight of the liquid drops all over his body should have dropped him. He must be one of those early season flies, for some reason they're a bit more resilient. Now he pulls up again and as I lead him a bit to poison the air he is about to fly into; he performs a perfect immlemann maneuver and disappears from view. Like I said, flies are clever, and I knew this one would be hiding by now. Determined to end this intrusion, I paused the movie- picked up my weapon and went on the hunt. A lot of folks don't know that all flies are born knowing that they are colored black so they just naturally land on anything black to hide. Searching these places yielded no aggressor so I immediately began searching adjacent rooms as that is evasive tactic #2. I saw him immediately as I entered the den, he was buzzing around the table lamp obviously seeking heat with which to dry off from the chemical dusting I gave him. He spotted me and quickly ducked behind the lampshade but too late. I faked him out by pretending not to see him, then doubled back & snuck up on him all stealthy like. When I finally got a good look at him I couldn't believe my eyes.

There on the lampshade was a cybernetic mechanical remote
fly drone, and as I was taking this in, I could see my own reflection in the
camera lens the thing had for eyes. With
a barely audible whirr of tiny servo motors the eyes rotated to fix directly on
me, and the thing launched...I could hear the shutter clicking as the thing
flew over my head and sprayed some vile liquid which just missed my eyes. Well now the battle is engaged full bore as I
spin around to give hot pursuit but the little spying fly is much faster now
that he's dry and I lost him in the shadows.
Time to get serious; so I dig out the ultimate defense for the first
time this year; the micro car &
computer vacuum with extended wand for difficult Robofly's ass! The little devil tried to make for the open
window, but I cut him off and laughed maniacally as I heard his tiny metallic corpse
get inhaled into my machine.
Satisfied with my victory I set out to search the rest of the house for any more of these tiny government spy drones. I heard somewhere they usually have a wingman, sometimes even two, so I was taking no chances. As I entered the kitchen sure enough his wingman struck from behind in a dastardly sneak attack. He buzzed right by my ear sounding like an out of tune dentist drill and when he was just a foot or two in front of me the bastard does a marvelous reverse turn and killed my vacuum with a tiny blue lightning bolt coming from a little dish antenna where a head should have been.
One down, and one to go. I fogged the interloper with enough Windex to clean your windshield; and as before, it had little if any effect other than to obscure his vision long enough for me to swat at him. I just clipped him, but it was enough to send him smashing into the wall, and flopping around all dazed and injured on the floor, which is when my cat took notice and promptly ate him! Being rewarded with her favorite treat and a hit or two of catnip was my way of showing Gracie (the cat) my approval and hopefully honing her hunting skills in case there were any more of these Orwellian insects around. Whatever it was the micro-drone sprayed on me is burning my scalp now so I rush into the bathroom and rinse my head under the faucet to rinse it off, but to my horror, all my hair is now falling out and clogging the sink. I open the medicine cabinet to find some salve or ointment to stop the burning, but instead of remedies, the cabinet is now a nest full of those Monsanto-Darpa killer bee drones which immediately attack me with great hostility.
The swarm drives me out of the bathroom and I manage to shut
the door before they can follow me. Just
as I think I'm safe for the moment the sound of clicking mechanical feet
reaches my ears over the sound of my excited breathing. Holding the breath and listening; the sound
is coming from the kitchen, and when I sneak a look around the corner I see
what is making the noise...400 little mechanical legs carrying 50 spider drones
ever closer to my position. My mind is
blaming me for this...I just had to be a blogger
and pretend we really have freedom of speech by actually having the balls to
exercise the right.
No time for psychological recriminations just now, I have to move before the spider drones corner me; so I dash through the room calling, "Here kitty, kitty, kitty." Thinking I have more catnip Gracie comes trotting into the room, her tail high in the air with expectation when she suddenly sees and hears the approaching horde of tiny tin spiders. In less time than it takes to tell, Gracie does the patented roadrunner reverse maneuver and climbs up my leg, sinks her claws in nice & deep then starts gnawing my nads like a gut-shot Comanche. So now I am running thru my house with my hair burned off and head full of bee stings with an unhappy feline finally getting her revenge for having been neutered as I'm being pursued by Obama's army of micro-drones.
By now the spider drones are covering the walls, scurrying their way around to the garage door to cut off my escape and seal my fate. On the way thru the room I grab my cell phone thinking to call for help, but alas, I am screwed, it's an Android phone, and all I can get on it just now are a series of painful electric shocks as it refuses to be used by me any longer. Tossing the phone; I think to grab my laptop but suddenly realize just how screwed I am, cause it's from Alienware...the dirty bastards have had us all along, we played right into their hands. Hobbling now like Django Chained towards the garage door it dawns on me that this cat is working for the spiders, trying to slow me down so they can get me, so I sing out "Bath time"- and the crazy bitch jumped off my mangled leg just in time to be swarmed by the spider drones and buy me the seconds I needed to make it to the garage. I reach over to flip on the light switch but just as I do there comes a sharp jab on my hand like a pin, or needle! (I know, I know-I deserved it) With light filling the garage now I am horrified to see what stuck me, Darpa's new indoctrination scorpion-bot, capable of injecting up to 30 people with 50cc's of pure patriotism & pride.
It's not looking so good for me right now, the scorpion
drone scurries into the shadows, no doubt to regroup for a second
strike...probably go for the ankle this time.
Whatever he hit me with is working faster now as the room looks a little
strange and I have suddenly grown a mustache oh wait, no, it's just another
clump of hair falling out. Brushing the
dead follicles off my burning, bee-stung face; I make it to the outside door,
and freedom. I know if I can just get
outside to my car I'll be safe & can
escape. Without a window in the door I
just have to take my chances; but I must go now because that
scorpion is still nearby and the spiders ain't far behind him. Just like a blindfolded sack race in a mine
field, at some point you just have to go for it, all in.
Door thrown wide open I charge out into the night with a flashlight in one hand and my car keys in the other. After a few steps I slow down, and look all around, head on a's clear, no drones anywhere, at least, none that I can see. I crouch down low and start moving along the outside wall of the garage, toward the driveway, & my car. The night air is refreshing, and silent, and it worries me because I don't know whether the silence is good or bad, and I should...but too many years of city life have dulled my senses I guess. As I near the corner the drugs injected by the scorpion are near maximum effect now and it's all I can do to not pass out...just a little further. As I catch my breath and steel myself for the run to the car I suddenly feel foolish, all this sneaking around is just giving the spider-bots more time to catch me, at least my head is still clear enough to see that -and with new reassurance & confidence, I step around the corner to see my way is blocked.

Before me is my death, in the form of a Darpa-Boston Dynamics
combat cheetah; crouched and ready to pounce on me - which it immediately does,
and takes my mind completely off my previous worries as well as my body. As my decapitated brain begins the long
goodbye all the really important events of my life flashed before my fading
eyes. I remembered back when we had clear
blue skies and even a gossamer pretense of accountability and integrity in the
way we lived upon this beautiful world.
I thought about just when it was the people gave up on themselves and
submitted to psychopathic dystopian rule with nary a whimper of serious
resistance. I wondered when & how it came to pass that we were in the
final hour betrayed by our very own indifference to the suffering of millions
on a daily, and yearly basis. When did
we give permission for our food to be genetically modified and our children
injected with experimental genetic toxins?
If we did not allow such things by consent how is it then we allowed
them to take place in silence?
My brain is fading to grey more...thought.....end ....of ....memory, ah the sweet.... release from the...... burden of knowing......should try... try to take what I learned with to it's gone now as life fades away at ...last....
Man, oh wow was that ever a wild friggin dream man; I'm sure glad I woke up before I died, cause ya know what they say about that!! What a harrowing experience, man that was so vivid it felt so real. I was so freaked out by all those micro drones the one I knew nothing about was what got me. After a nightmare like that it's just so re-assuring when I can look out the window of my room on the International Space Station and see mother earth below me, just as she's always been.
Until Next Time ~ Be
Good to Each Other.
Related Augureye Posts:
Related Augureye Posts:

My friend Chautauqua.
ReplyDeleteMe clarifies a curiosity.
You develop the story and then search the images or are these crazy images that provides the inspiration for them?
Maybe a mixture of both?
Thank you for your attention.
Health, peace and love.
Wander~ Wow, the link you sent was as advertised, would go very well as soundtrack...and just how did you know that I fantasize about transparent violins? Many thanks for the link..(expect to see it again)
DeleteAbout the images, and I get asked this a lot, so an excellent question! As the name "Augur" implies, I am a digger...a data miner...and have a penchant for collecting images especially. Currently I have something like 40,000 images just on my hard drive, and probably twice that archived on CD Rom. When the muse strolls thru the place and the next blog starts to take shape in my head...I just naturally begin matching up images from the collection. Often times it's quicker to just re-download an image than to go looking for it and of course whenever I do that there are always a butt load of new images that catch my eye, so as you can see it is kind of a never ending process.
For some reason the comment with the link didn't make it thru...will try to rescue & repost so others can also enjoy the beautiful music. Many thanks.
Wander~ For reason unknown your comment with the link to "Requiem for a Dream" did not publish, so here is the link you were so kind to share with us, it is beautiful amigo, thanks.
Morning Chautauqua.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the transparent violin, people who believe, would say that is clearly a coincidence.
I'm sure intuition was responsible.
Glad you enjoyed.
About the fantastic images that enrich their fabulous posts, I can only come to the happy conclusion that more than 80,000 to be used, we can delight us with many, many stories.
This resonates superbly me.
Have a great weekend my friend.
Health Peace and love for you and for everyone who wants as well.
Great post my Friend.. Your work is like that of a AR-15 great accuracy with knock down power. Another fine read with great a great understanding .
ReplyDeleteOh, Chautauqua, you have again made my day. When you say, all those images are in your hard drive, perhaps you meant all those images are in your head drive or your heart drive. Hint: Next time this happens, bring in Grandmother Spider. She loves flies, but watch Gracie, Grandmother has been known to take a cat or two down in her exuberance. Truly, I loved this story. Thank you! Love, Altea. PS If I ever figure out how to send a comment to your site other than as Anonymous I'll probably have had a frontal lobotomy. In the meantime, this is Altea, Love You and well done for taking out the Robos! Oh, shit, my cat Rocket just ate one, hope he doesn't poop on my just-cleaned curtains!
ReplyDeleteHi Althea~ Yeah I know the dilemma as already there are several "anonymous' commenters already with no way to tell them apart. Maybe if you join or subscribe to the site you can graduate out of the anonymous brigade...other than that I got no clues as most days I feel lucky to get on the site to make a post. Glad you enjoyed my flight of fancy...seems those VA meds are good for something after all :)
Deletelarouchepac dot com ---- can save you time. The British Empire ( City of London/Wall Street ): where our time has gone all of our lives and where our ancestors' time went before that. The total amount of time stolen from ordinary decent people all over the world since 1763 by the Empire adds up to so many billions and billions and billions of years as to VASTLY exceed the age of the earth itself! Also see: larouchepac dot com/1932 and: larouchepub dot com.
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ReplyDeleteHelpful info. Fortunate me I discovered your
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