It's being one of those days. One of those surrealistic days that compels
one to just pause for a minute and take stock.
Before I even rose from my nights sleep, I knew it was going to be one
of those days. That sensation was
confirmed in the most grotesque of ways when I got my first good look at the
day, it's raining. Not a downpour or
anything, just a drizzly mist that floats more than falls to the ground bringing
Fukushima fallout and only God knows what else from the sky with it. The chemtrails were especially heavy
yesterday; and now this, always connecting the dots. These days it's always something it seems,
always some new heinous threat to peace, life and sanity. Maybe that's why my PTSD is walking point for me these days much to my dismay. It's a reflex action and it never quite goes
away, not even with the meds the VA sends me; which I haven't been taking
recently because I need to stay sharp, stay frosty ~ something in the ethers is
telling me the endgame is nearly upon us.
You can feel it too. I know you
It isn't just the ethers whispering that the winds of change
are about to blow up into a raging storm, or am I the only one experiencing
some very lucid & graphic dreams in the course of the last few months. Like so many other things lately, those kind
of dreams have been frequent where once they were rare. Signs, omens and portents are nearly as
obvious as the growing list of crimes against humanity and sadly, we ignore
them both and continue on our little rat lives in a little rat race maze where
we still, after all the evidence to the contrary, believe that we can win, and
claim some kind of prize. The prize
which dangles from a stick held out in front of us by our off-world overseers.
I've often heard it
said that the clinical definition of insanity is repeating the same behavior
again & again, while expecting
different results each time. Just look
at us! Here in America
the political system is essentially unchanged since it's inception. It isn't broken as so many proclaim,
it was built this way deliberately as a mechanism with which to
seize & retain power, & wealth for the selected few who possess
the correct genetic bloodline! It of
course is an unfair, unjust, and totally corrupt contrivance, we all know
this; yet we not only allow it to continue, we support and feed the damn
thing over and over and over, every 4 years.
Every time the dog & pony show is the same as before, and every
time, we dance the dance like we were the homecoming queen. If one accepts the clinical definition of
insanity, and has any left themselves, the only reasonable conclusion is that
we are all mad here.

You can argue with this analysis all you like and I won't
say a word to the contrary, for two reasons.
Firstly my mom always told me not to argue with unarmed opponents, and
secondly, if by this late date you still don't see anything drastically
wrong going on simply everywhere you look, indeed if you aren't outraged
at these atrocities then I accept that you never will, & refuse to waste any more precious time trying to wake your
ass up. It's that definition of insanity thing, you understand. With the amount and frequency of truly insane
behavior we're witnessing across the planet, to not recognize that insanity is,
well, insane. And is it any wonder what
with all the nasty toys the powers that be are using against us that are designed
to interrupt and mess with the normal functioning of the brain? HAARP facilities
(there are many), GWEN towers,
electromagnetic soup from cell phones, smart meters, psionic devices, scalar
technology, and these are just some
of the ones we know about. If
these are not common terms to you by now...get googling! Just as the chemtrails make us sick, weak,
and lethargic, these technologies give us headaches, confusion, depression,
fear of insanity, & hostility. Toss in constant poisoning from fluoridated
water, GMO food-like-products,
Fracking, & of course the
aforementioned radioactive fallout from Fukushima: and maybe it becomes
clear that we are all not just mad here, we are dying the death of a thousand
cuts here, and in some kind of macabre death ritual, we are dancing with the elephant
in the room.
Why does our government allow Japan
to export seafood to us when we bloody well know the stuff is so 'hot' with
radioactive contamination it probably glows blue in the dark? An even better question is, why in the name of
all that is sacred are we buying it and eating it? I just don't understand. GMO foods are banned in over 50 countries
around the globe, but here in the Pachyderm Ballroom we can't even get the
poisonous crap labeled!! Only those in
comas or the functionally brain dead haven't heard how deadly GMO's are by
now...and yet, to my utter amazement we eat the crap then ask for seconds. Our fresh water is being 'privatized' which
means they own it, and it ain't about price gouging, it's all about
control...as in no water for you today.
As we witness a frighteningly rapid
militarization of civilian police forces across America, (and other
countries); DHS agents at the shooting range are
honing their skills on silhouette targets, of pregnant mothers, and schoolgirls
in pigtails, each holding a gun of course.
This is done to desensitize them to the idea of shooting American
citizens, to make it easier when the order comes. If you are at all a student of logic, or even
a casual fan, it just follows that if the agents are being trained to shoot at
American civilians its because that is what they are going to be ordered to
do. Probably why the DHS has bought almost
2 Billion rounds of ammunition while making it impossible for
civilian suppliers to even find any to sell to customers! Along with all those bullets intended for domestic
use in the Homeland, DHS has also purchased 2700 urban assault
vehicles, and 7000 full automatic assault rifles. Why? The
Constitution gives us the right to keep & bear arms, I don't believe it
says a single word about ammunition. Just for icing on the cake they cooked up this
whole "Sandy Hook" charade as the
tipping point which will lead to the confiscation of all our weapons...for
which we will have no ammo anyway, so why not just hand them over, right? Falling back on our old friend logic again,
allow me to pose this and see how it sets with you: I submit for your consideration that the
strange unavailability of guns and ammunition to civilians, along with the
current fever pitch effort to enact draconian gun control, and the civilian silhouette
targets are all prime indicators that your government is
preparing to move against it's own citizens.
Just as Obama passing the Monsanto protection act is prima facie evidence
that they are up to something illegal, the same applies to this whole gun
control farce. Why can't you see

Those of us who can see that, and have been seeing
it building to these insane levels are now completely baffled at the silent
majority who just keep on as if this place is heaven on earth with angels
running the show. We are saddened to see
so many millions still soundly sleeping this incarnation away. We are confounded by the tsunami of apathy
presently crushing the life out of this planet.
Albert Einstein said that this world will not be destroyed by evil men
but by those who silently do nothing....and let's not forget he was the smartest
guy in the room for a very long time.
Those of us who are awake & aware are doing all we possibly can
think of to help all of us break free from the generations of conditioning, and
programming...to rise up and resist the tyranny of evil while there remains but
a faint ember of chance. That ember
grows dimmer each day and with each additional assault against humanity. If it goes out completely, game over! Mankind slumbers during the just ended cycle of
Kali Yuga, and as the next cycle begins, which it just did a few months ago,
mankind awakens. It is a repetitive
cycle with each revolution lasting some 26,000 years. Those who have been awake the longest are the
vanguard teachers of this new age, those awakened by them attempt to pay it
forward by awakening and teaching those they encounter, and in turn those
people inspire still more people to break free of the generational conditioning. Unfortunately many of us are now starting to
come down with the Cassandra Syndrome, that empty kinda hollow feeling
that none of what we say is being heard.
Indeed some days it certainly seems there are just the handful of us not
sleeping, and we're all just exchanging information and trying to reassure each
other that some heretofore unidentified something will somehow result in
everything turning out OK.
We are the ones you've been waiting for, and you turn away
as if we just shot your dog. That
turning away is the knee-jerk reaction of cognitive dissonance, where the mind
is so challenged by new information contradicting long held belief's, that it
begins to melt down under the weight of those contradictions with 'reality'. We are just so sure of the belief's we've
been programmed with that they form the foundation of who we perceive ourselves
to be; and when they are challenged it kinda rocks our whole house. That, is cognitive dissonance,
and the passengers on spaceship earth have a terminal case. Those of us who understand this are saddened
a little more every day, as the great shining lie tightens it's death grip
around our collective throats; and our best efforts to change it or fight back
seem like just pissing in the wind. Those
of us who are sounding the alarm are just like you, the only difference is we
know something you don't want to believe, and more than just that, we can show
you the way we did it, how we woke up to a vaster reality than the two
dimensional cardboard placebo reality crafted for us by the Archons.

Just like Pavlov's dog we have been genetically conditioned
to respond a certain way every time we hear the bell.
The name of that bell is
or the
Hegelian dialectic and it's one of the primary ways our
alien overseers control us.
It works
like this: first a "
problem" arises, which is no problem at
all, just another lie dressed up like a hooker.
Next comes the reaction, which is always geared towards the
manufacturing of consent of the governed and finally the solution, which is in
this case to strip you of your constitutional rights, guns, ammo, and every
last ability to resist.
For years &
years we had the "commies" as our common enemy.
I well recall the vitriolic manner in which
they were described as wanting to conquer us and eat our young.
After 60 or so years that old dog just
refused to hunt anymore, so it was replaced by the even greater, more deadly
enemy called terrorism.
Then to prove terrorism's
existence, 911 was orchestrated by the same minds which devised the bay of
pigs, JFK assassination, and so many others.
In the video below an associate of Dr. Werner Von Braun explains this
succession of 'bogeymen' created over the past several decades to sustain the
Hegelian dialectic.
She explains how the
final 'enemy' before the endgame will be aliens invading from space, requiring
the death of our remaining liberty in order to defeat it, and that this too is
just another well dressed, highly polished lie.
The things which tell me that endgame is here are all the very recent
Signs such as the recent meteorite
which struck Russia...and the dozen or so other pieces which burned up in the
atmosphere about the same time...or the several other smaller meteorites which
lit up our skies over the ensuing days.
There was something fishy with the whole thing, or didn't you
How very coincidental that the
exact day a known asteroid allegedly sailed safely
past; Earth takes a 12 gauge blast to the face!
Then how about signs such as the rash
of very recently released movies and TV series dealing with the alien invasion
Skyline, Battle
LA, Battleship, "V", Defiance,
Falling Skies, Prometheus, Oblivion, Dark Skies for just a few examples.
Not only are there several other very recent
productions around the alien invasion theme; there are more on the way later
this year (
see below) along with variations on the theme dealing with
the end of the world, end of mankind, AI revolution, (
The Robot Apocalypse)
and such.
Do you see a pattern in the
It's no
different than 911, or don't you recall those days when you could watch any
movie you wanted as long as it was a
war movie?
This saturated carpet bombing of our psyche's
with a repetitive message is called pre-conditioning...another bad omen if you
ask me.
As if all that and everything else wasn't already bad
enough, now we have this diminutive little imp in North Korea acting out his Daddy
issues, issuing daily threats against anyone who will listen. If we just ignore the little bastard his ADHD will kick in &
he'll go play some less harmful game with himself. But do we do that, NO, instead we fly
over his house with B-2 stealth bombers. When you have an addled teenager holding a
loaded shotgun at you, the last thing you want to do is dare him to do it
by showing the world he doesn't have the balls to pull the trigger. Well, that's the last thing you want to do
unless starting a nuclear conflagration is you desired end result...end being
the operative word here. Now of course
he can't hit the west coast with his little radio shack kit rocket, but he can
hit South Korea, and guess what...their warplanes were right alongside
ours when we did the fly-overs, so they too in fact are daring little Kim to
pull the trigger!! Is that insane enough
for you...or will you be waiting for the actual mushroom clouds to sprout
before you wake up and give a damn?
This great awakening is a group participation event for
those who will be moving on to the higher, more refined resonance of 5th dimensional frequency vibration which I
talked about in "Soul Searching at the end of Time" (linked below). This ascension process I speak of is the
evolutionary advancement of humankind on our return to source. The quagmire of events, wars, contamination,
and negativity we are currently experiencing is on all levels, a test we must
pass before gaining the higher levels of awareness &
being. Just as an aircraft must build up
airspeed to take off, so do we, only for us the airspeed equates to frequency,
resonance vibration. It's a matter of
dropping all excess & un-necessary
baggage, then ramping up your aura &
chakra system to greater and greater
"speed" as it were. If you
already aren't doing things to accomplish that goal then you're farther behind
than you thought, and really should get crackin' now. The final exam is coming sooner than you
expect, a kind of universal "pop quiz" to determine who graduates
from this hell on earth, and who gets to remain here...with final being the
operative concept. Have you ever seen pictures of when cells
divide, the process called mitosis? what
is happening spiritually now on earth is like that...where one becomes
two. There are currently two worlds
called Earth; one being born, & one
dying. The Archons want to keep
everything and everyone locked into third dimensional reality to facilitate
whatever their master plan is. They seek
to keep humanity below the threshold of consciousness evolution - forever. As Slaves!
We are seeing the "theory of the self-cleaning oven" at work here as everything is accelerating faster and faster toward the inevitable outcome our overlords have in mind. Many of us are feeling something undefinable in the ethers these days. We don't know what exactly it is, but it feels different that the positive energy of the Aquarian age, and also different than the energy of our oppressors. With this sensation comes a vague, nebulous feeling that there is something else unfolding, something we cannot yet see, only feel. What I believe we are feeling is the approach of what is called the Black Swan; which is a totally unseen and unexpected turn of events which changes everything...smashing into oblivion everyone's best laid plans. The black swan isn't on our side any more than it's on the side of the Archons, it is emotionless, cold, and merciless when it lands ~ it is ambivilent, like a cosmic bowling ball plowing thru whatever stands in it's way.
Their matrix construct is beginning to unravel ever so
slowly, the illusion they crafted with which to enslave us is getting long in
the tooth, hence the upgrade to the new and improved illusion of aliens
invading to take over Earth. The Archons
create the 3D laser light show complete with holographic angels and demons, we
buy right into it like we always have and presto...a brand new illusionary
matrix fantasy world complete with amazing upgrades, and all it will cost you
will be your destiny, and possibly even your soul. Oh yeah, and the return trip home...that's in
the very small print on the contract you sign when you refuse to awaken from
their drug induced dream reality. Maybe
it's true what they say, that we can never go home again, but some of us refuse
to surrender just yet. But we're not
immortal, or superman, we're only human, just like you; and like you we get
weary, broken down, disheartened and marginalized. We could sure use some help out here people,
those of you who have been just recently awakened by the noise the rest of us
are making. No wonder you think us all
mad; there you were just another happy sleeping dreamer when you're rudely
& abruptly awakened by a mob of frantic hippies telling you the sky is
falling and the monsters are outside your door.
Don't blame you for being grumpy & skeptical, who wants to wake up
like that...but please, just take a few minutes to look around to see for
yourself we are only telling you the truth, and the truth points to

This final exam isn't about self delusion or benign aliens
coming to save us from the Archons in the final hour. There are benign alien races
out there who oppose the Archons & their agenda, but they too are waiting
to see whether or not we will pass this initiation test to 5D. They are waiting as we are, to see what we
will do. This test is all about whether
or not we will unify as a species and choose to ascend, or fail to take
responsibility for ourselves and remain locked into the thick, muddy, negative
frequency of the fourth dimension, forever.
Pick One....soon please, because as Morpheus told Neo at their first meeting; "Unfortunately no one can be told what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself."
Until Next time ~ Be Good to Each Other