Everyone I talk to these last 30 days tells me they feel
like the rug has been jerked out from under us. Some compare the feeling to being in limbo,
like the day JFK was assassinated, or
even 9/11. Everyone still seems to be having reality
cramps & culture shock a month after
the circus selection of Trump as the next president. For me, it's more like the quicksand of a
slow moving coup which began with the tea party. It's got us up to the knees now, and every
day it just sucks more.
I have the advantage of being emotionless about the
"election" results, as I didn't have a dog in that race; yet I am as
stunned with culture shock as everyone else.
So for the second time now the electoral
college has given us a babbling fool of a president who makes up his own
words; and lies faster than we can fact check.
Not even in office yet and he is shattering forty years of protocol
nearly every day with his disregard for the established order. Remember during the republican convention
when Rudy Giuliani screamed from the
podium that this was going to be the last presidential election ?? Just going by who Trump is picking for cabinet posts so far,
I'd say Rudy is probably right.

Do you recall Trump promising to "
drain the swamp"? One look
at the Nazis
& KKK members getting
cabinet posts and it is fairly clear that what Trump is doing is not just
draining the swamp
into the white
he's assembling the team that will dismantle America once and for all. As an example, Trump just named
attorney general
Scott Pruitt to head
the Environmental Protection Agency.
Pruitt has made his career by
suing the EPA on behalf of
companies. Then there is his pick to head the
dept. of the interior: Congresswoman
Cathy McMorris Rodgers who is
pro fracking and big oil. How about his naming of Exxon-Mobil CEO
Rex Tillerson to be secretary of state!! Rex is a big fan of
Fracking, unless its too close to his home...he's suing to have that one stopped! Rex also has an "Order of Friendship" medal from Russia, denoting he is a
Friend of Russia. Then there is the fact that Exxon-Mobil and Russia are doing business in the far northern arctic regions. Is the big picture starting to come into focus for you? Do you remember Texas Gov.
Rick Perry; who promised to shut down the
dept. of energy if elected? - Trump just added him to his cabinet;
as the head the dept. of energy! How is that focus now, getting clear is it?
"Trump isn't appointing a cabinet, he's crewing a pirate ship"
You ever hear of any previous president-elect doing
lap rallies as if the campaign is still on?
Me neither, and considering that shootings of police officers and other
terrorist acts are continuing at an almost daily rate;
up 68% from last year!! I think it is clear to
see the purpose of these "victory lap" rallies. Stirring the shit. Poking the bear. Not even in office yet; and Trump is sending questionnaires to the heads of the EPA, energy, and other agencies demanding the names of any employees who have attended climate change events, or carbon taxing seminars. Whoa there! Do you see what he's up to here? He wants to
purge everyone who disagrees with him. What can we expect
next, is he going to demand that Twitter provide him with the names of everyone who posted anti-trump tweets? Herr Donald Twitler.
From Fukushima radiation to Flint Michigan's poisoned water
there are simply so many despicable &
horrific things happening on and to the earth right now that just keeping track
of them all tempts madness itself. Truth
and decency are simply being over-run &
plowed under by the gatekeepers of the great shining lie.
Despite the dystopian feel of things these days, there are
some little victories to be celebrated such as four more states have legalized
recreational cannabis use after the election.
All things considered, I rather think we're going to be real grateful
for that. Those who push back against
the rising tide of the great shining lie don't get to celebrate too many wins
nowadays, but they do happen despite getting little or no coverage in the
mainstream media.
For over six months completion of a pipeline has been held
up by protesting native American Sioux refusing to allow the DAPL project on
their sacred lands near Standing Rock North
Dakota. Considering
that in the previous 18 months there have been over 300 oil spills in North
Dakota that all went unreported to the public;
I'm thinking that the Sioux have the high ground here. Unfortunately the oil company could care less
about careless accidents and for over six months did everything they could to
defeat the Standing Rock protestors.
They had private
security contractors sic attack dogs
on them. They pursued protestors into to river, then sprayed freezing cold
water on them. They blasted the
protesters with sonic attacks from LRAD
weapons (Long
Range Acoustical Device). Unarmed
peaceful protestors were shot with rubber bullets; one woman may lose an arm,
others suffered head wounds from rubber bullets - and still the Sioux stood tall, unyielding.
When drone footage showed the things the pipeline goons were
doing, the whole area was declared a "no-fly" zone and internet was
blocked as well.
As the standoff continued week after week, more native
Americans arrived in solidarity with their brothers and sisters, as well as a
great many non-native kindred spirits: and still, hardly a mention of it in
mainstream news. Funny how there's
always a news blackout around such events when the great shining lie is doing
such things. You'd think that the
attention loving Trump would have
jumped on this like he did Brexit,
but NO, he remained silent because he
has a financial interest in the pipeline project. Catch-22 with a side order of Quicksand.

When Obama was asked to intervene at Standing Rock, to avoid
more violence, he famously said "Let's just see how it plays out". Perhaps it was the cold indifference & callous tone of the president that inspired
this nations military veterans to action; because they remember exactly how Waco
and Ruby
Ridge played out. What began as
just a few became a few dozen, then a few dozen more; until early December when
they all arrived at the standoff to offer themselves as human shields to
protect the peaceful Sioux protesters.
They came with numbers 3000 strong; and lumber; and immediately began
construction of winter barracks for the defenders of standing rock. Veterans play it out to the end, it's just
how we roll. Perhaps that is why on
December 4th the judge ruled against the pipeline company,
denying them easement on sacred tribal lands.
Or perhaps Obama; considering the impact on his legacy if things
degraded into all out violence between the veterans & pipeline goons, made a phone call to the judge. The right thing was for Obama to declare
Sioux tribal lands as a national heritage site on day one. Lacking honor &
dignity he opted to wait until it was a matter of him saving face.

Even though the pipeline will soon be re-routed & finished, it's still a little victory for
everyone who believes all this insanity can be stopped, and eventually turned
around; and a huge victory for the Standing Rock Sioux and all who stand with
them. Vigilance is still required of course, the pipeline company is sure to
appeal the decision; or wait till no one is watching to pull an end run or some
shit, they always do. Resistance works,
it's why there's always a media blackout. Like cockroaches, the great shining lie
prefers to work in darkness. Shine some
light on 'em and they scurry. Shame we
still have to protest all the same old shit.
Whatever became of that better world we all talked about making for our
children; where's that??
In the weeks leading up to the election we saw a dramatic
increase in unarmed young black men being shot dead by police, soon followed by
the reverse, police officers being assassinated by unseen attackers. At the time I said it seemed like someone was
pushing for a race war. The fact that
both types of senseless killings are still happening almost every day suggests
that the race war is now underway &
slowly gaining momentum with a racist Nazi heading to the white house.
America Great Again" is
racist code talk for "the South will
rise again"
Are you wondering what kind of foreign policy changes Trump
has in mind? Consider then that
four retired generals have joined team
Trump to round out a cabinet so far filled with racist Nazi's, billionaires and
climate deniers. While some are saying a
financial collapse will happen in 2017, and that Trump was tricked into
becoming the scapegoat for it all; others see a much darker outcome in the next
four years.
The dismantling team Trump
is assembling is gonna set the national clock back by 50 years,
just for starters. Be prepared for one bombastic farce after
another from the orange one to distract us all from what's being done in our
name behind our backs.
Trump taught us a lot about himself this last week: first by
saving some factory jobs in the home state of his VP Mike Pence, and then by
joining the media blackout on the pipeline protest because he has a financial interest
in seeing the pipeline finished. The
lesson being that Trump will always
put his personal profit first before all else.
Here's a good question: Why does the media cover every Trump tweet?
Here's another
interesting thought. If Trump's 3
children decide to continue living at Trump Tower instead of moving into the
white house; then the secret service agents assigned to them will be needing
adjacent domicile in Trump Tower apartments to provide around the clock protection,
and the government will be paying the
rent directly to Trump. And, if you really believe Trump is going to divest
himself of his businesses while serving as president, then you really drank the
cool aide.
If we wait to "see how it plays out" with
global warming, we'll all be swimming in a radioactive ocean with the polar
bears & dying whales. I know, yes everyone wants me to get on board
with calling it climate change, fuck that word game bullshit, it's global
warming, so that's what I call it; it's a radical honesty thing. Perhaps we should see if the Sioux nation is
willing to take on global warming as their next worthy cause. Put them together with a few veterans and
shit gets done in a hurry!
In Washington DC as well as in the
general population there are those who would rather just blow the whole mess
apart than try to fix it. That is Donald Trump's base. Why else would he have three retired generals
in his cabinet? Were not talking general
mills and general motors here either, these are some serious war hawks who have
but the one solution to every problem.
Up to our knees in quicksand.

I suppose it was inevitable that Time magazine would give
Trump its person of the year award, as absurd as it is, it just
feels wrong, like one more thing he
doesn't deserve being handed to him; his purple heart medal for instance. Trump bragged about saving 1100 jobs at the
Carrier plant- today the plant manager said "
He lied his ass off." it was only 800,
with 600 other jobs
still going to Mexico.
The President
of Lies. Several news outlets have recently published the statistic that after fact-checking Trump; he is found to be outright lying 76% of the time.
When called out on the lies, and campaign promises such as "lock her up" and "repealing Obamacare" which he has now backed away from; Trump shrugs, gestures with his tiny hands, and says: "
Well it played good during the campaign...who cares?" Resist the insanity and absurdity...push back. Speak truth to power, just like at standing rock.
2017 will begin as 2016 ends...in the grip of 21 days of
Mercury retrograde. The fact that this time
it will impact both years
cannot be a good omen, but I think an appropriate one: we're going backwards
folks, back to everything we've spent the last 60 years out-growing. Hope you enjoy the ride, your silence was
your boarding pass!
So, the next time you tempt madness by trying to cope with
all of the things going on that sicken your soul; do what the Standing Rock
Sioux did. Draw a line in the sand and
make your stand. There is no shortage of
things to resist against today, so pick your fight and make a stand...and then
don't stop until you win!
© 2016 full re-post with permission only
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