Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Trump's Meltdown

Documenting the Death of the Drumpf Dynasty in pictures

All Alone at the G20 Conference 

as the wheels continue to fall off...
and...he's gone in ten days, thank God!

"I know Donald Trump; 
and however bad your opinion of him is, 
he is worse!"
                                    ~Penn Jillette~

~Related Augureye Posts~


  1. Mother Jones says '35% of Donald Trump's Twitter followers also follow at least one white nationalist like David Duke.' (as compared to 16 that follow Hitlary)
    He's deserving of permanent insanity

    1. I recently saw an interview with someone who has known Trump for many years. they were making the important point that in previous years he openly joked about him playing certain roles & knew it was a scam...that has changed they said: He is now fully enveloped in his insanity and actually believes everything he said. There is a photo going around of Trump at the recent G20 meeting, sitting all alone in a room full of delegates talking to each other...that pic is definitely worth a thousand words.

      Indeed, there seems no cure for his insanity.

      Time to void the election results, appoint an interim government, arrest Trump and everyone connected to him, then hold new elections,in which all new people must run.

  2. Initial impeachment proceedings have been filed by the Dems.
    And Donald Jr. is furthering the cause.
    There is a glimmer of hope.
    I know the image of Trumpf at the G20, it stuck in my mind as well.

  3. There's a swamp with billions of nasty snapping things needs draining before that can happen. I like the "new people" idea. And if you have more than one million bucks you can't run for office. While we're at it we can drop the empire thing. It stinks.

    1. On any given day we can hear some politician moaning about how "the system is broken" when in fact the system is running exactly as it was designed to function; keeping the swamp in power over the people. Indeed there is much to clear away which is why I suggest big, sweeping moves like disbanding the congress& senate as well as the entire administration. When surgeons go after cancer they don't just remove a little bit of it...they must remove ALL of the cancer before healing can begin.

      This is exactly the same

      Right wing vs left wing is bogus BS, both wings are on the same vulture and you can vote all you want, the flight plan never changes.

      control Alt Delete,
      Rinse & Repeat

  4. I will drink to that...later.

  5. Cheers!
    Holy shite it just keeps getting crazier! Another One Bites the Dust...
    "Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango"

    1. Indeed,
      I thought it very appropriate that the "mooch" came in and left during Discovery channels Shark week, cuz that dude is a human mako shark...to think he kisses Trump with that mouth.

      Next crisis, North Korea, which is why he now has a military general as chief of staff.

      This is getting uglier by the week

  6. North korea happens to be an opium producer on the same level as afghanistan. Hmmm. North korea is one of three remaining countries not conquered by a rothschild central bank. Hmmm. North korea is very rich in rare earth minerals. Hmmm. What north korea doesnt have is a nucleur weapons program. Hmmm. But wait, theres more! Iran, which hasnt invaded anyone in 200 years, is also, like north korea, untainted by a rothschild central bank.


    1. All true,
      what wisdom we achieve by just connecting the dots
      and following the money.
      It becomes even more obvious when every week N Korea's missiles magically go farther than before as the talking heads continue to sound the alarm and explain why the next war has to happen.

      We certainly must be inbred morons to not see the pattern after so many repetitions of the same bullshit.

  7. Reminds me of saddams weapons of mass destruction and nookular bush. Here we go again.

  8. For those of draftable age...forced conscription is forbidden by the constitution and constitutes slavery. Just say no heehee

    1. Indeed!!
      The Trump "presidency" has now officially gone from being a dumpster fire; to the world's best ever example of the word clusterfuck.

      We're all seriously under medicated for the shit that happens next...

      "Everybody Buckle Up. it's gonna be a bumpy ride" ~ 'Zombieland'

  9. I think the trumpster fire was planned in advance. The world really is a stage and shakespeare wasnt kidding. Trump is playing his part and the human race is gagging on the "win." America is still reeling from the waterboard election that never really ended. We are being played like carp dragged from the muddy bottom.

    1. ...and all the while crooks from both parties bemoan that the system is broken and they wanna fix it, when we know it was designed to work exactly as it does; great work if you can get it.

      There are different factions within the government that are each struggling to be dominant (has zero to do with party affiliation) and I think some shit got out of hand allowing for some surreal reality cramps.

      The only truth in Washington DC is that there are no accidents or mistakes. "They" have spent much time and treasure making sure they get what they want, nothing is left to chance. If our 'voting' actually changed anything it would be made illegal.

  10. In yellow submarine, the blue meanies knocked eachother off til only one remained. He then knocked himself off.

    Make it so

  11. I have seen this thing also, the war weariness of the awakening public, panicked by the smell of brimstone in the air. Yes, they are now just beginning to see thru the bullshit; what remains to be seen is if they will ACT in sufficient numbers to be significant in any way...enough to make the kind of difference called for if we are to avoid extinction.

    Then there is that nasty Fukushima thing to factor into whatever your/our vision of the future might be.

  12. Watch for an event not unlike mordor right after frodo tossed the ring into the fire. A great unravelling amongst modern minds which have lost touch with nature. The answers exist and may be found in the suppressed wisdom of aboriginal people who have not forgotten what really matters.

  13. The toll it's taking is evident on his disgusting face.

    1. It sure is.
      The man is so freaking delusional he is addicted to the cheers of his fans at the campaign rallies. He 'says' he is just campaigning for the 2020 election but that is such a lame & transparent lie- he is addicted to the adoring crowds and cannot function without them.

      Maybe we can't easily or quickly impeach/imprison Trump; but that doesn't mean they cannot force a senate vote to enact the 25th amendment and get him out of power that way...leaving us with Pence, we're fucked either way we go.

      Yeah the big wheels are fixing to come off, ya can just feel it coming, like summer storm clouds on the horizon.
